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City of Pleasanton Article 5. Collection Services <br /> Franchise Agreement with Pleasanton Garbage Service <br /> <br />City of Pleasanton Page 33 June 7, 2022 <br />Contractor shall Collect all Recyclable Materials from Carts with the exception of Used Motor Oil and 1097 <br />Filters which shall be Collected from Contractor-provided Used Oil Recovery Kits placed adjacent to the 1098 <br />Carts. Contractor shall Collect Used Motor Oil and Filters once per week from Single-Family Customers 1099 <br />who request it if the Customers place the Used Motor Oil and Filters in a Used Oil Recovery Kit provided 1100 <br />by the Contractor. Contractor shall provide the Used Oil Recovery Kit to a Residential Customer within 1101 <br />two (2) Business Days of such request by Customer at no additional cost to Customer. Contractor shall 1102 <br />instruct Customers how to properly use and place Used Oil Recovery Kits for Collection. Upon Collection 1103 <br />of a Used Oil Recovery Kit from a Generator, Contractor shall leave a clean, empty, Used Oil Recovery Kit 1104 <br />adjacent to the Recyclables Cart. Contractor shall not be required to Collect more than one gallon of Used 1105 <br />Motor Oil per individual dwelling unit per week from Single-Family Customers who request it. 1106 <br />5.3.3 Multi-Family and Commercial Recyclables Collection Service 1107 <br />A. General. Contractor shall Collect Recyclable Materials placed in Containers for Collection from 1108 <br />Multi-Family and Commercial Premises at least once each week and up to five (5) times per week 1109 <br />as scheduled by the Customer. Contractor shall provide Carts, Bins, or Drop Boxes for Recyclables 1110 <br />storage and Collection and shall place Containers in locations determined by the Customer or 1111 <br />property manager. 1112 <br />Multi-Family and Commercial Recyclable Materials Collection shall be performed at a time mutually 1113 <br />agreed upon by Contractor and the Customer and which is consistent with allowable Collection 1114 <br />hours specified in Section 5.14.3. The City reserves the right per Section 4.3 to direct Contractor to 1115 <br />perform additional Commercial Recycling services such as the use of selective routing to Collect 1116 <br />clean loads of Recyclable Materials in the event that Contractor is not making adequate progress 1117 <br />toward the City’s Diversion/Recycling goals. Contractor shall provide Used Motor Oil and Filter 1118 <br />Collection to Multi-Family Customers in the same manner in which Contractor provides the service 1119 <br />to Single-Family Customers. 1120 <br />B Commercial and Multi-Family Service Options. Contractor shall allow Commercial and Multi-1121 <br />Family Customers to select a Collection service method that best suits the needs of its Premises. 1122 <br />Specifically, the Contractor shall offer the following choices to Commercial Customers: 1123 <br />1. Individual Cart or Bin Service. Contractor shall allow Commercial and Multi-Family 1124 <br />Customers to use Cart(s) or Bin(s) for Recyclable Materials Collection. Contractor shall 1125 <br />provide each Customer with a choice of one (1) or more Carts with capacity of thirty-five 1126 <br />(35) or ninety-six (96) gallons and with one or more Bins with capacities ranging from one 1127 <br />(1) to seven (7) cubic yards (or similar sizes approved by the City). 1128 <br />2. Centralized Cart or Bin Service. Contractor shall allow Commercial or Multi-Family 1129 <br />Customers to use Cart(s) or Bin(s) for Recyclable Materials Collection that are shared by 1130 <br />the Occupants of two (2) or more Commercial or Multi-Family Premises. In such case, 1131 <br />Contractor shall provide one (1) or more Carts or Bins to such Premises as requested by 1132 <br />Customer(s). 1133 <br />3. Drop Boxes and Compactors. Contractor shall allow Commercial or Multi-Family 1134 <br />Customers to use a Drop Box or Compactor for Recyclable Materials. In such case, 1135 <br />Contractor shall provide Customers with a choice of Container capacities ranging from ten 1136