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City of Pleasanton Article 5. Collection Services <br /> Franchise Agreement with Pleasanton Garbage Service <br /> <br />City of Pleasanton Page 29 June 7, 2022 <br />Contractor shall promote the service annually by preparing billing inserts to be included in each 945 <br />Customer’s bill and by advertising in a minimum of two (2) local newspapers as approved by the 946 <br />City. The City shall approve all advertisements or public announcements related to the on-call clean-947 <br />up service. 948 <br />B. Scheduling. Contractor shall provide clean-up services Monday through Friday except on Holidays. 949 <br />The Contractor shall provide the service to the Customer within seven (7) Business Days of the 950 <br />Customer’s request on a day agreed to by the Customer and Contractor. Contractor may provide 951 <br />additional on-call clean-up service for a Customer beyond three (3) per year, and in such case shall 952 <br />be entitled to charge the Customer for such service at the City-approved Rate on the Rate schedule 953 <br />in Exhibit G. 954 <br />C. Accepted Materials. During each on-call clean-up event, the Single-Family Customer may Deliver 955 <br />Curbside, and Contractor shall accept for Collection: up to five (5) cubic yards of Bulky Items, Solid 956 <br />Waste, Recyclable Materials, and/or Yard Trimmings. For purposes of this service a couch and a 957 <br />combination box springs and mattress shall each equal 3 cubic yards. 958 <br />Contractor may reject: liquids or sludges; materials which exceed five (5) feet in length and are not 959 <br />bundled; painted or stained wood; automotive batteries; used motor oil; pesticides; Construction 960 <br />and Demolition Debris; Hazardous Waste; Infectious Waste; or, tires exceeding four (4) per clean-961 <br />up event. Contractor may reject a single item that weights more than seventy-five (75) pounds 962 <br />(excluding Bulky Items) unless Customer has paid an additional fee for service at the City-approved 963 <br />Rate on the Rate schedule in Exhibit G. Contractor may also reject un-containerized materials, 964 <br />materials that are not bundled, or other items that exceed the Collection abilities as determined by 965 <br />the Contractor and approved by the City. 966 <br />Each Customer shall be instructed to place all items to be Collected by Contractor Curbside by 6:00 967 <br />a.m. on pick-up day to ensure Collection. 968 <br />D. Processing and Disposal. Contractor shall Collect materials and Transport the materials to the 969 <br />Approved Transfer Site with the exception of Appliances and E-Waste that may be delivered to a 970 <br />recycler or dismantling company and furniture that may be delivered to a third party for reuse or 971 <br />Recycling. The site or site(s) and/or Subcontractor(s) that Contractor selects to handle, Process, 972 <br />and/or Dispose of Appliances and E-Waste shall be approved by the City. 973 <br />E. Recycling and Reuse. Contractor shall separate reusable Bulky Items, Recyclable Materials, and 974 <br />Organic Materials Collected from the on-call clean-up services and Transport such materials to the 975 <br />appropriate Processing Sites. Due to the unknown quantities of reusable and Recyclable Materials 976 <br />Collected as well as the types of items community organizations and others will take for reuse or 977 <br />Recycling at any point in time, the Contractor shall reuse and Recycle Appliances, clothing, furniture, 978 <br />mattresses, etc. so that a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the material by weight Collected during 979 <br />the on-call clean-up service is Diverted from Disposal. At a minimum, the following materials shall 980 <br />be Collected separately and Diverted: clean, untreated wood, Yard Trimmings, textiles, cardboard, 981 <br />and Appliances. 982 <br />When providing such service, Contractor shall encourage and facilitate the participation of Reuse 983 <br />Vendor(s) to select and sort out Recyclable and reusable items at the point of Collection or at a 984 <br />Transfer or Processing Site. Marketing of reusable materials that are designated for reuse by the 985