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City of Pleasanton Article 4. Scope of Agreement <br /> Franchise Agreement with Pleasanton Garbage Service <br /> <br />City of Pleasanton Page 26 June 7, 2022 <br />8. Plans and schedule for implementing the service change. 842 <br />The City shall review the Contractor’s proposal for the change in scope of services. The City may 843 <br />negotiate with the Contractor to amend the Agreement to reflect the change in scope or the City 844 <br />may choose not to negotiate with the Contractor. 845 <br />If the City chooses to negotiate with the Contractor and the Contractor and City cannot agree on 846 <br />terms and conditions of such services within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days from the 847 <br />date when City first requests a proposal from Contractor to perform such services, Contractor 848 <br />acknowledges and agrees that City may permit other Persons besides Contractor to provide 849 <br />additional Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials, and Organic Materials Collection and Diversion 850 <br />services which do not conflict with the exclusive rights granted to Contractor pursuant to this 851 <br />Agreement. 852 <br />C. Adjustment to Contractor’s Compensation. If the City directs a change in scope or change in one 853 <br />or more Approved Facilities, Contractor may be entitled to an adjustment in its compensation in 854 <br />accordance with Section 8.5. 855 <br />D. Implementation of New Services. The Contractor’s implementation of the new services, 856 <br />modification to existing service, or change in the Approved Facility shall occur in a timely, smooth, 857 <br />and seamless manner such that Customers and/or Generators do not experience disruption in 858 <br />Collection services. Contactor shall be responsible for managing the implementation of new or 859 <br />modified Collection services or change in the Approved Facility and other related services and shall 860 <br />do so in accordance with an implementation plan that has been approved by the City. 861 <br />E. Monitoring and Evaluation of Changes in Scope. At the City’s request, the Contractor shall meet 862 <br />with the City to describe the progress of implementing the change in scope. If applicable, and 863 <br />requested by the City, the Contractor shall document the results of the new or modified services on 864 <br />a monthly basis, including, at a minimum, the Tonnage Diverted by material type, the end use or 865 <br />processor of the Diverted materials, the cost per Ton for Transporting and Processing each type of 866 <br />material, and other such information requested by the City that is necessary to evaluate the 867 <br />performance of each program change. 868 <br />At each status meeting, the City and Contractor shall have the opportunity to revise the program or 869 <br />services based on mutually agreed upon terms in accordance with provisions of this Section. The 870 <br />City shall have the right to terminate a program if, in its sole discretion, the Contractor is not 871 <br />achieving the program goals and objectives in a cost-effective manner. Before such termination, 872 <br />the City shall meet and confer with the Contractor for a period not to exceed ninety (90) calendar 873 <br />days to resolve the City’s concerns (“meet and confer period”). Thereafter, the City may utilize a 874 <br />third party to perform these services if the City reasonably believes the third party can improve 875 <br />Contractor’s performance and/or cost. Notwithstanding these changes, Contractor shall continue 876 <br />the program during the “meet and confer period” and, thereafter, until the third party takes over 877 <br />the program. 878 <br />F. Changes Related to Existing Regulations. The Parties acknowledged that as of March 20, 2018, 879 <br />legislation, including, but not limited to, SB 1383, existed which had been passed by the State but 880 <br />had not been fully implemented within the State. The Parties agreed that as the appropriate 881 <br />regulatory bodies continued to develop implementation strategies and requirements regarding 882