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City of Pleasanton Article 4. Scope of Agreement <br /> Franchise Agreement with Pleasanton Garbage Service <br /> <br />City of Pleasanton Page 25 June 7, 2022 <br />4.3 City-Directed Changes 804 <br />A. Types of Changes. City may, by written notice, direct Contractor to perform additional services or 805 <br />modify existing services; provided, however, that in no case shall City terminate services provided 806 <br />by Contractor hereunder and grant any other Person the right to provide such services, unless 807 <br />specifically provided for in Section 4.3.B below. For example, and without limitation, the City may 808 <br />request the following: 809 <br />1. Collection of certain materials, which were originally Solid Waste, but during the Term can, in 810 <br />the reasonable opinion of the City, be economically Diverted from Disposal; 811 <br />2. Inclusion of new Diversion programs; 812 <br />3. Expansion of public education activities; 813 <br />4. Elimination of programs; 814 <br />5. Modification of the manner in which Contractor performs existing services; 815 <br />6. Performance of pilot programs; 816 <br />7. Implementation of innovative services, which may entail new Collection methods, targeted 817 <br />routing, different kinds of services, different types of Collection vehicles or Collection 818 <br />Containers, and/or new requirements for Generators; 819 <br />8. Transportation of materials to an Approved Facility other than that specified on the Effective 820 <br />Date; 821 <br />9. Purchase of new Collection vehicles, Containers, or other equipment if the Agreement is 822 <br />extended beyond the initial Term; and, 823 <br />10. Implementation of other program or service adjustments as may be determined by the City. 824 <br />B. Procedure for Making Changes in Scope. Contractor shall present, within thirty (30) calendar days 825 <br />of the City’s written request, a written proposal to perform additional or modified services. 826 <br />Contractor shall not be compensated for the proposal preparation costs or costs incurred during 827 <br />the negotiation of its proposal for the change in scope of such services. At a minimum, the proposal 828 <br />shall contain a complete description of the following: 829 <br />1. Collection methodology to be employed (equipment, staffing requirements, etc.); 830 <br />2. Equipment to be used (vehicle number, types, capacity, age, etc.); 831 <br />3. Labor requirements (number of employees by classification; estimated hours per year per 832 <br />employee); 833 <br />4. Estimated Customer participation level; 834 <br />5. Type of materials to be Collected and Containers to be used and estimated volumes per week 835 <br />and per year; 836 <br />6. Provision for program publicity/education/marketing; 837 <br />7. Five-year projection of the financial results of the program's operations in a balance sheet 838 <br />and operating statement format including documentation of the key assumptions underlying 839 <br />the projections and the support for those assumptions, giving full effect to the savings or costs 840 <br />to existing services; and, 841