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Form 5B Allocated Costs <br />Detailed Collection Cost Proposal Information City of Pleasanton <br />Proposer Name: PLEASANTON GARBAGE SERVICE, INC. <br />RFP Response Dated March 2, 2018 Note to Proposer: Input is only required on shaded cells on this sheet. <br />GENERAL AND <br />ADMINISTRATIVE <br />VEHICLE <br />MAINTENANCE <br />CONTAINER <br />MAINTENANCE <br />12-Month Period 12-Month Period 12-Month Period <br />From July 1, 2018 - June <br />30, 2019 <br />From July 1, 2018 - June <br />30, 2019 <br />From July 1, 2018 - June <br />30, 2019 <br />Labor-Related Costs (include regular & pool personnel) <br />Administrative Wages (regular/OT/Sick/Holiday/etc) $1,276,124 <br />Owner's Salaries 730,000 <br />Health & Welfare / Pension 731,661 <br />Payroll Taxes 110,235 <br />Other (Please List): <br />Reimbursement for G&A Services $(credit linked to Form 6)* <br />Total Labor Related-Costs $2,848,020 $0 $0 <br />Vehicle-Related Costs <br />Tires & Tubes <br />Parts & Supplies (fluid, oil, etc.) <br />Outside Repairs <br />Total Vehicle-Related Costs $0 $0 $0 <br />Fuel Costs <br />Other Costs <br />Insurance $691,587 <br />Office Expense 272,637 <br />Utilities 77,350 <br />Postage & Mailing 30,091 <br />Dues & Subscriptions 16,018 <br />Repairs & Maintenance 115,509 <br />Outside Services - <br />Property Taxes 85,404 <br />Other Taxes 58,074 <br />Public Education and Outreach 150,000 <br />Advertising 15,589 <br />Travel Not Used - <br />Travel, Meals & Entertainment (net of non allowed expenses) 25,000 <br />Professional Fees (net of non routine proposal efforts) 503,708 <br />Bad Debt 38,443 <br />Performance Bond 10,000 <br />Donations (net of non allow contributions)- <br />Other (Please List): <br />Reimbursement for Equipment usage $(credit linked to Form 6) (11,561) <br />Other (Please List)56,808 <br />Total Other Costs $2,134,657 $0 $0 <br />Total Labor, Vehicle, Fuel, and Other Costs $4,982,677 $0 $0 <br />Depreciation (non-route specific) <br />Hybrid Vehicle Depreciation $3,182 <br />CIS (Tower)$15,909 <br />Total Depreciation $19,091 $0 $0 <br />Lease Costs <br />Facility Costs (M&M, Southfront, Kiewitt Property)$341,199 <br />Toilet & Equipment Rent $24,541 <br />Total Lease Costs $365,740 $0 $0 <br />Total Costs to be Allocated $5,367,508 $0 $0 <br />Labor, Vehicle, Fuel, & Other Costs Allocated Out Percentage Percentage Percentage <br />Solid Waste Carts 10.47% $521,504 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 <br />Recyclable Materials Carts 9.96% $496,497 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 <br />Organic Materials Carts 9.97% $496,540 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 <br />Solid Waste Bins 25.60% $1,275,445 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 <br />Recyclable Materials Bins 8.39% $418,255 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 <br />Organic Materials Bins 4.05% $201,721 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 <br />Solid Waste Roll-Off 21.70% $1,081,066 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 <br />Recyclable Materials Roll-Off 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 <br />C&D Debris Roll-Off 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 <br />Bulky Item Program 0.23% $11,344 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 <br />Transfer Station 9.64% $480,306 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 <br />Total Labor, Vehicle, Fuel & Other Costs Allocated Out 100.00% $4,982,677 0.00% $0 0.00% $0 <br />Estimated Annual Cost of Service <br />(July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019)