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ATTACHMENT 1 <br />JOHNSON DRIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ZONE <br />TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT AND COST ALLOCATION AGREEMENT <br />This Johnson Drive Economic Development Zone Transportation Improvement and Cost <br />Allocation Agreement (this "Agreement") is entered into this,& '^day of f 1 2018 by <br />and between the City of Pleasanton, a California municipal corporation (the "City"), and Costco <br />Wholesale Corporation, a Washington corporation ("Costco"). The City and Costco are <br />collectively referred to herein as [lie "Parties" and individually as a Party. <br />RECITALS <br />A. The City has identified the approximately forty acres comprised of the twelve <br />parcels located at 7106-7315 Johnson Drive and 7035 and 7080 Commerce Circle in Pleasanton, <br />California as the Johnson Drive Economic Development Zone (the "JDEDZ"). A map outlining <br />the boundaries of the JDEDZ is attached as Attachment 1 to this Agreement. The JDEDZ <br />contains a mixture of land uses, with the predominant land use being light industrial. Over the <br />years, the JDEDZ has suffered from a lack of investment, underutilized properties and aging <br />infrastructure. <br />B. The City through a variety of techniques intends to transform the JDEDZ into a <br />thriving commercial corridor with new land -uses and services to generate new tax revenues to <br />help support City services and programs. <br />C. To implement the JDEDZ, the City intends to consider for approval: (1) a <br />Supplemental Environmental Impact Report ("SEIR"); (2) a General Plan Amendment to change <br />the land use designation of the JDEDZ site from Business Park (Industrial/Commercial and <br />Office) and General and Limited industrial to Retail/Highway/ Service Commercial; Business <br />and Professional Offices; and (3) a Planned Unit Development Rezoning to rezone the JDEDZ <br />site from Planned Unit Development -General and Light Industrial (PUD-G&Li) District, <br />Planned Unit Development industrial/Commercial-Office (PUD TIC O) District, and General <br />Industrial (1-640,000) District to PUD -C District (collectively referred to as the "JDEDZ <br />Approvals"). <br />D. To implement the City's goals for [lie JDEDZ and as a necessary first step in <br />encouraging new businesses to locate in the JDEDZ, various public roadway improvements treed <br />to be completed along Johnson Drive and Commerce Drive and Stoneridge Drive. The proposed <br />street improvements are described in more detail in the SEIR for the JDEDZ and are more <br />generally described in Attachment 2 to this Agreement (the "JDEDZ Street Improvements"). <br />E. The SEIR identifies the need to make certain improvements to Stoneridge Drive <br />and Johnson Drive to mitigate potential queue spillback by constructing new lanes, modifying <br />the Stoneridge Drive at the I-680 northbound off -ramp and constructing a second on-ramp lane <br />to northbound 1-680, as more particularly described in in Mitigation 4D.1(d) of the SEIR and the <br />Mitigation Monitoring Plan (the "Stoneridge Drive and 1-680 Project"). The Stoneridge Drive <br />and I-680 Project is more generally described in Attachment 3 to this Agreement. (The JDEDZ <br />Street improvements and flue Stoneridge Drive and I-680 Project are sometimes collectively <br />referred to as the "Project Improvements".) <br />1310 (I 1 X7_218870.8 <br />2172018 <br />