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While termination is an available option, the recommendations in this agenda report <br />assume City Council will choose to proceed with the implementation of the JDEDZ <br />Project. Should City Council decide to terminate the Agreement due to the increased <br />costs, Costco will prepare a final Cost Certification of all expenses allowed by the <br />Agreement and submit it to the City. Staff will review the final Cost Certification and <br />present it City Council at a future meeting, along with a recommended budget <br />adjustment to fund the City's share of the expended costs. <br />Submitted by: Fiscal Review: Approved by: <br />1 <br />Stephen Kir patrick Mahin Shah Gerry Beaudin <br />Director of Engineering Interim Director of Finance City Manager <br />Attachments <br />1. 2018 Transportation Improvement and Cost Allocation Agreement, without <br />Exhibits <br />2. Final Cost Estimate of JDEDZ Project Costs <br />3. Bid Summary for Costco Construction <br />4. Proposed Amendment to Agreement <br />5. Graphic: Land Needed to Construct the JDEDZ Traffic Mitigation Measures <br />Improvement Plans <br />6. List of Properties and Negotiated Purchase Prices <br />7. Purchase Agreements <br />Page 11 of 11 <br />