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Tri-Valley Transportation Council │ 2020 Nexus Fee Update Study <br />August 2021 │ Final 1 <br /> <br />1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND <br />1.1 BACKGROUND AND HISTORY <br />In 1991, the seven jurisdictions of Alameda County, Contra Costa County, Dublin, Pleasanton, Livermore, <br />Danville, and San Ramon signed a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) that established the Tri-Valley <br />Transportation Council (TVTC). The purpose of the JPA was for the joint preparation of a Tri-Valley <br />Transportation Plan/Action Plan (TVTP/AP) for Routes of Regional Significance (RRS) and cost sharing of <br />recommended improvements. The TVTP/AP was prepared and presented to all member jurisdictions in <br />April 1995 and updated in 2000. The TVTP/AP created a common understanding and agreement on the <br />Tri-Valley’s transportation concerns regarding prioritizing projects for funding and implementation. <br />In addition to the project priorities, the TVTP/AP also recommended the development of a TVTDF to allocate <br />a fair share of regional infrastructure cost to go towards new development. The nexus study for the fee <br />program, completed in 1995, justified allocating the unfunded cost needed to complete all of the 11 projects <br />identified in the TVTP/AP to new development. The TVTC, however, recommended scaling back by roughly <br />two-thirds the total amount the fee program would collect from the maximum funding needed. The TVTC <br />and its member jurisdictions subsequently created and adopted the TVTDF in 1998 through a Joint Exercise <br />of Powers Agreement (JEPA). The original Strategic Expenditure Plan (SEP) was adopted in 1999. <br />The JEPA called for a periodic update of the fee program to reflect any significant changes in population <br />growth, project status, and other conditions that would require revisions to the fee program. Since 1995, <br />there have been substantial changes in the funding, planning, and traffic setting in which the TVTDF was <br />originally developed. New funding sources were established; the TVTP/AP was updated in 2000; projects <br />were completed; project schedules and/or funding plans shifted; traffic patterns changed; and new regional <br />transportation projects were identified through various traffic studies. The TVTC responded to these <br />changes by directing the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) to conduct its first update to the fee nexus <br />study to update the fee and project list. <br />Completed and adopted in early 2008, the first update to the TVTC Nexus Study: Fee Update (“2008 Nexus <br />Study”) identified 22 projects that the TVTC elected for eligibility to receive funding from the TVTDF. The <br />first 11 projects (List A, Table 13) were adopted into the original program in 1995. The second set of 11 <br />(List B, Table 13), were new projects that were included in the 2008 Nexus Study. The travel demand <br />modeling documented in the 2008 Nexus Study projected that these projects would further reduce <br />congestion created by new development within the Tri-Valley. A revised fee structure was released by <br />TVTC for consideration by each member agency in late 2008. While each member agency communicated <br />support for the revised fee structure, it was not approved by all member agencies pending preparation and <br />approval of a corresponding SEP. A TVTC SEP Subcommittee was therefore formed to commence <br />preparation of an SEP. <br />To facilitate the progress of existing projects while an update to the SEP was underway, an Interim Funding <br />Plan was approved by TVTC in April 2010. The Interim Funding Plan matched the programmed amounts <br />and priorities established in the 2004 SEP Update. It also included a revised disbursement timeline to reflect <br />the current Joint TVTDF account balance and projected fee collections over the next five years. <br />With respect to the TVTC JEPA, in October 2013 TVTC entered into a new Joint Exercise of Powers <br />Agreement (JEPA) comprised of seven member agencies: the County of Alameda, the County of Contra <br />Costa, the City of Livermore, the City of Pleasanton, the City of San Ramon, the City of Dublin, and the <br />Town of Danville. The purpose of the new JEPA agreement was to establish the TVTC as a <br />separate agency responsible for planning, coordinating, and receiving disbursement of traffic impact fee