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Tri-Valley Transportation Council │ 2020 Nexus Fee Update Study <br />August 2021 │ Final ii <br /> <br />Note: Hours of delay are based on trips with origin or destination in the TVTC region. <br />UPDATED FEE <br />The total investment for projects eligible to receive TVTDF funding is estimated to be $4.470 billion, where <br />$3.677 Billion is unfunded. An additional reduction was applied to account for external “cut-though” trips on <br />roadway congestion projects. Future development within the Tri-Valley area is not responsible to pay for <br />these trips since these trips are caused by growth outside of the Tri-Valley area. This reduces the total <br />unfunded cost to be covered by the maximum TVTDF to $2.928 billion. Note that this does not change the <br />overall project costs. <br />The $2.928 billion unfunded cost was allocated across future development land use type based on the <br />proportion of forecast peak-hour trips to determine the Total Fee per Land Use. Then the maximum fee <br />schedule was determined by dividing Total Fee per Land Use by the 2020-2040 Growth as shown in Table <br />E-1 below. <br />Table E-1: Maximum Fee by Land Use Category <br />Land Use Type Growth Maximum Fee <br />Single-Family Residential 15,857 DU $43,976 per DU <br />Multi-Family Residential 17,456 DU $25,928 per DU <br />Retail 5,117,500 SF $84.52 per SF <br />Office 6,796,800 SF $58.72 per SF <br />Industrial 9,289,800 SF $33.81 per SF <br />Other 12,441 trips* $50,839 per trip* <br />* Average AM/PM trip <br />The maximum fee schedule shown in in Table E-1 would generate sufficient revenues to fund the total <br />unfunded cost of all selected projects, however TVTC jurisdictions are not obligated to apply this fee <br />schedule. For instance, the TVTC jurisdiction set rates at approximate 1/3 of the maximum fee calculated <br />in the 1995 and 2008 Nexus studies to help foster growth within the Tri-Valley area, while providing a <br />regional funding source that could be used to match and help compete for Federal and State transportation <br />grants and funding programs.