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Tri-Valley Transportation Council │ 2020 Nexus Fee Update Study <br />August 2021 │ Final 2 <br /> <br />revenues from member agencies to help implement transportation improvement projects within the Tri- <br />Valley Area. <br />Strategic Expenditure Plan (SEP) <br />In January 2015, the TVTC adopted Resolution No. 2015-01 – Adopting the updated Tri-Valley <br />Transportation Development Fee Schedule as a two-year phase-in plan, with no change during the initial <br />year (FY 14-15), an increase to 25% of the maximum allowable rate by the fee nexus study in the second <br />year (FY 15-16) and a final increase to 35% of the maximum allowable rate by the third year (FY 16-17). <br />The new fee was based on the Fee Nexus Study adopted in 2008. <br />In November 2015, a review of the 2008 Nexus Study was conducted to determine if the analysis <br />establishing a reasonable relationship between the unexpended fees and the purpose for which those fees <br />were collected remained valid. This review analyzed the 2008 Nexus Study Fee Update with current traffic <br />conditions, forecasted growth, and project updates and found that the analysis establishing a reasonable <br />relationship between the unexpended fees and the purpose of which those fees were collected was still <br />valid. The review also identified a number of conditions that had changed since the completion of the 2008 <br />Nexus Study, such as growth projections were lower in the more recent forecasts than at the time of the <br />2008 Nexus Study. This translated to lower trip generation rate from new development. In addition, a <br />number of the projects in the Nexus Study had been completed or had a change in project description or <br />cost estimate. However, due to inflation and updated cost estimates, the total unfunded project cost had <br />only decreased by 9 percent. The minor decrease in unfunded cost, paired with a decrease in expected <br />new peak hour trips to which the fee would be applied, meant that the maximum fee identified in the 2008 <br />Nexus Study would be higher in an updated calculation. <br />In January 2017, the TVTC approved the 2008 TVTC Nexus Study Validation Review and adopted the <br />2017 Strategic Expenditure Plan (SEP)* Update. At that time, the TVTC elected to maintain the current fee <br />rate, with exception of the annual Construction Cost Index (CCI) adjustment. The 2017 SEP update <br />incorporated and built upon the updated project descriptions, funding programs, and progression of the <br />TVTDF over the previous six years. Some of the transportation improvement projects on the original list <br />were completed and schedules and funding for others had changed. The JEPA, adopted in 2013, required <br />approval for the SEP, by a supermajority of the TVTC – six members. <br />Since 2008, there have been changes in the funding, planning and traffic conditions under which the TVTDF <br />was originally developed. In addition, many of the 22 projects have been completed and the TVTC has <br />identified 16 new projects (List C, Table 14) to be considered. Based on these factors the 2020 updated <br />nexus study was undertaken. <br />On August 16, 2021, the TVTC approved Resolution No. 2021-10 Adopting the Tri-Valley Transportation <br />Council 2020 Nexus Fee Update Study. <br /> <br />