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Tree Report, 218 Ray Street, Pleasanton <br />February 12, 2020 <br />Ed Brennan, Consulting Arborist <br />Page 5 <br />Tree Appraisals <br />The trees were appraised using the trunk formula technique found in the Guide for Plant <br />Appraisal, 10th edition (Atlanta GA: 2019, International Society of Arboriculture). A regional <br />companion publication, Species Classification and Group Assignment (2004, Western <br />Chapter -International Society of Arboriculture), was also used. The value of landscape trees <br />and plants is based upon four factors: size, condition, functional limitations, and external <br />limitations. Size is measured as trunk diameter, at 54" above grade. The components of <br />condition are health, structural integrity, and form. Functional limitations are factors <br />associated with the interaction of a tree with its planting site, for instance, overhead utility <br />lines may limit its future growth. External limitations are factors outside of the property that <br />will limit the plant's development in the foreseeable future, such as view or solar access <br />ordinances. <br />Applying the above-described method to the seventeen trees surveyed yielded an aggregate <br />total value of $16,780 (U.S. dollars). Values for individual trees are shown in the table <br />below. <br />Tree Preservation Guidelines <br />Certain trees will be designated for preservation based on their suitability for preservation and <br />location relative to the development plan. Once those decisions have been made, the <br />following recommendations will help reduce impacts to trees from development and maintain <br />and improve their health and vitality through the clearing, grading and construction phases. <br />The goal of tree preservation is not merely tree survival during development but maintenance <br />of tree health and beauty for many years. Trees retained on sites that are either subject to <br />extensive injury during construction or are inadequately maintained become a liability rather <br />than an asset. The response of individual trees will depend on the amount of excavation and <br />grading, the care with which demolition is undertaken, and the construction methods. <br />Coordinating any construction activity inside the Tree Protection Zone can minimize these <br />impacts. <br />218 Ray Street is an already -developed site. Tree roots will be protected from damage by the <br />existing parking lot pavement. Above -ground portions of the trees are subject to damage by <br />construction vehicles and equipment. <br />Table 6: Tree Appraisals <br />Tree No. <br />Species Trunk <br />Appraised <br />diameter <br />Value <br />1 <br />Bradford pear 11 <br />$690 <br />2 <br />Bradford pear 8 <br />$510 <br />3 <br />Bradford pear 6 <br />$290 <br />4 <br />Bradford pear 9 <br />$470 <br />5 <br />Bradford pear 10 <br />$570 <br />6 <br />Valley oak 6 <br />$650 <br />7 <br />Pecan 25 <br />$13,600 <br />Tree Preservation Guidelines <br />Certain trees will be designated for preservation based on their suitability for preservation and <br />location relative to the development plan. Once those decisions have been made, the <br />following recommendations will help reduce impacts to trees from development and maintain <br />and improve their health and vitality through the clearing, grading and construction phases. <br />The goal of tree preservation is not merely tree survival during development but maintenance <br />of tree health and beauty for many years. Trees retained on sites that are either subject to <br />extensive injury during construction or are inadequately maintained become a liability rather <br />than an asset. The response of individual trees will depend on the amount of excavation and <br />grading, the care with which demolition is undertaken, and the construction methods. <br />Coordinating any construction activity inside the Tree Protection Zone can minimize these <br />impacts. <br />218 Ray Street is an already -developed site. Tree roots will be protected from damage by the <br />existing parking lot pavement. Above -ground portions of the trees are subject to damage by <br />construction vehicles and equipment. <br />