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Tree Report, 218 Ray Street, Pleasanton <br />February 12, 2020 <br />Ed Brennan, Consulting Arborist <br />Page 6 <br />Pre -construction treatments and recommendations <br />1. The construction superintendent shall meet with the Consulting Arborist before <br />beginning work to discuss work procedures and tree protection. <br />2. Four the four remaining Bradford pear trees, a TREE PROTECTION ZONE should be <br />established at the dripline on the 218 Ray Street side of each tree. <br />3. Protect the trunk of the pecan (tree #7) by wrapping wattle around the trunk from the <br />height of the fence to 18'. <br />Recommendations for tree protection during construction <br />1. No grading, construction, demolition or other work shall occur within the TREE <br />PROTECTION ZONE. Any modifications must be approved and monitored by the <br />Consulting Arborist. <br />2. Grading within the dripline of any tree shall be monitored by the consulting arborist. <br />3. Supplemental irrigation shall be applied as determined by the Consulting Arborist. <br />4. If injury should occur to any tree during construction, it should be evaluated as soon <br />as possible by the Consulting Arborist so that appropriate treatments can be applied. <br />5. No excess soil, chemicals, debris, equipment or other materials shall be dumped or <br />stored within the TREE PROTECTION ZONE. <br />6. Any additional tree pruning needed for clearance during construction must be <br />performed by a Certified Arborist and not by construction personnel. <br />Ed Brennan <br />Certified Arborist #WE -0105A <br />