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Use the lower-income-housing fee to <br /> generate funds for the provision of housing <br /> affordable to extremely low-,low-and very <br /> low-income households.The low-income <br /> housing fund should be used primarily to <br /> leverage State and Federal funds in the <br /> Program 18.2:Continue to The City has continued to exempt all affordable housing units from the low income <br /> exempt all housing units development of housing affordable to low- housing fee in 2021.As the City works on future projects,the expectation is that all <br /> affordable to low-and very and very low-income households and in- Ongoing units affordable to low-and very low-income households will be eligible for a waiver of <br /> low-income households from house loan programs,so that the fund may the from payment of the Lower Income Housing Fee in conformance with the City's long- <br /> the low income housing fee. be used most efficiently and maintained standing policy. <br /> over time. When considering allocation of <br /> these funds,priority will be given to non- <br /> profit housing developers with a project <br /> including three bedroom units affordable to <br /> large extremely low,low-and very low- <br /> income households. <br /> Use the lower-income-housing fee to <br /> generate funds for the provision of housing <br /> affordable to extremely low-,low-and very <br /> low-income households.The low-income Phase 1 of Kottinger Gardens,which utilized Lower Income Housing Funds,was <br /> housing fund should be used primarily to completed and fully leased up in July 2017. Unused Lower Income Housing Funds <br /> Program 18.3:Use the leverage State and Federal funds in the from Phase 1 was transferred to Phase 2,which began construction in January 2018 <br /> Lower Income Housing development of housing affordable to low- and completed in September 2019. In addition the City Council approved an <br /> Fund to help build housing and very low-income households and in- As needed/Ongoing Affordable Housing Agreement that included the dedication of 1.64 acres of land to the <br /> affordable to low-and very house loan programs,so that the fund may City to be used in partnership with SAHA/Sunflower Hill on a future residential <br /> low-income households on be used most efficiently and maintained affordable housing development for individuals with developmental disabilities which <br /> City owned land. over time. When considering allocation of was completed in 2020.The City committed$2.25 million from the fund for the <br /> these funds,priority will be given to non- <br /> profit housing developers with a project Sunflower Hill project. <br /> including three bedroom units affordable to <br /> large extremely low,low-and very low- <br /> income households. <br /> Program 18.4:Use the <br /> Lower Income Housing <br /> Fund to extend rent <br /> restriction agreements, Use the lower-income-housing fee to <br /> purchase land,write down generate funds for the provision of housing <br /> mortgage costs,rehabilitate affordable to extremely low-,low-and very <br /> units,subsidize rents,issue low-income households.The low-income <br /> tax exempt bonds,post loan housing fund should be used primarily to <br /> collateral,pay pre- leverage State and Federal funds in the <br /> development costs,and In July 2017,construction of Phase 1 of Kottinger Gardens was completed,and in <br /> development of housing affordable to low- <br /> otherwise help produce Explore ways to use the September 2019 Phase 2 was completed which included funds from the Lower Income <br /> housing units affordable to and very low-income households and in- fund for the list of activities Housing Fund(LIHF),to assist in the redevelopment of Kottinger Place and Pleasanton <br /> lower income households. house loan programs,so that the fund may in the program annually and Gardens,two aging rental complexes that provide housing to extremely low-income <br /> be The objective of this is to used most efficiently and maintained as needed. elderly persons.The City also committed$2.25 million from the fund for the Sunflower <br /> over time. When considering allocation of Hillproject which was completed in 2020. <br /> utilize the Lower Income these funds,priority will be given to non- P <br /> Housing Fund in a manner <br /> consistent with City profit housing developers with a project <br /> ordinance and to support including three bedroom units affordable to <br /> affordable housing, large extremely low,low-and very low- <br /> particularly developments income households.Quantified Objective: <br /> proposed by non-profit <br /> 150 units <br /> developers that include <br /> units for large families at <br /> very low incomes. <br /> Use the lower-income-housing fee to <br /> Program 18.5:When generate funds for the provision of housing <br /> considering how to utilize affordable to extremely low-,low-and very <br /> the City's Lower-Income low-income households.The low-income <br /> Housing Fund,consider housing fund should be used primarily to <br /> whether a proposal with a leverage State and Federal funds in the <br /> non-profit housing development of housing affordable to low- Although this situation did not present itself in 2021,the City has worked with <br /> developer and a for-profit and very low-income households and in- Consider prioritization by SAHA/Sunflower Hill,both non-profits formed a partnership,on a housing project within <br /> housing developer house loan programs,so that the fund may January 2016. Irby Ranch and will continue to consider both non-profit vs.for-profit partnerships on a <br /> partnership should be a be used most efficiently and maintained case-by-case basis. <br /> higher priority project due to over time. When considering allocation of <br /> its ability to potentially these funds,priority will be given to non- <br /> secure better funding and profit housing developers with a project <br /> be developed. including three bedroom units affordable to <br /> large extremely low,low-and very low- <br /> income households. <br />
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