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Program 16:3:Develop <br /> incentive/revitalization <br /> programs for neighborhoods <br /> to encourage support for Educate the public regarding the As applications are received <br /> affordable housing In 2021,no neighborhood incentives/revitalization programs were implemented.The <br /> community,environmental,and economic for projects containing <br /> opportunities.Such City continues to analyze and review possible programs for future incentives in <br /> incentives could include benefits of Pleasanton's affordable affordable housing coordination with new projects. <br /> enhanced public amenities housing program. opportunities <br /> or other investment in areas <br /> where additional multifamily <br /> housing is planned. <br /> Program 17.1:Review the <br /> City's Inclusionary Zoning <br /> Ordinance and amend if Ensure compliance with the Inclusionary <br /> required:• for Zoning Ordinance by requiring each for- <br /> consistency with the sale residential and non residential <br /> Housing Element and other development to which the Ordinance <br /> City affordable housing applies to include its pro rata share of <br /> programs; to identify housing needs for low-and very low- <br /> incentives for non-profit income households or,if the Ordinance <br /> housing developers and criteria are met,to contribute to the lower The City has continued to monitor the inclusionary zoning ordinance. In 2018,the City <br /> other housing developers to income housing fund to facilitate the January 2017,then approved an update to the City's development impact fees,including the Citys Lower <br /> construct projects sforincluding construction of housing affordable to annually. Income Housing Fee.The City continues to evaluate necessary updates to the <br /> three bedroom units for extremely low-,low-,very low-,and <br /> large households;• to moderate-income households.Review and Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance. <br /> determine if it is appropriate modify policies for rental housing to <br /> to increase the percentage conform with State law and recent court <br /> of affordability to support decisions. It is strongly encouraged that <br /> housing affordable to low- the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance <br /> and very-low-income requirements be met by building housing <br /> households; to be affordable to extremely-low,low and very <br /> consistent with recent court low income households. <br /> decisions regarding rental <br /> housing; <br /> Program 17.2:Monitor the <br /> results of the Inclusionary <br /> Zoning Ordinance annually <br /> to determine consistency <br /> with State law and recent <br /> court decisions and to Ensure compliance with the Inclusionary <br /> determine if developers are Zoning Ordinance by requiring each for- <br /> primarily building new sale residential and non residential <br /> housing units affordable to development to which the Ordinance <br /> low-and very low-income applies to include its pro rata share of <br /> households instead of housing needs for low-and very low- <br /> paying in lieu fees for new income households or,if the Ordinance <br /> developments. If it is criteria are met,to contribute to the lower <br /> determined by the City income housing fund to facilitate the <br /> Council,upon construction of housing affordable to Annually/Ongoing Refer to the status for Program 17.1. <br /> recommendation by the <br /> Housing Commission,that extremely low-,low-,very low-,and <br /> the Inclusionary Zoning moderate-income households.Review and <br /> Ordinance is not producing modify policies for rental housing to <br /> sufficient housing affordable conform with State law and recent court <br /> to low-and very low-income decisions. It is strongly encouraged that <br /> households,consider the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance <br /> modifying the Ordinance so requirements be met by building housing <br /> that it can better achieve affordable to extremely-low,low and very <br /> that objective. As part of the low income households. <br /> Inclusionary Ordinance <br /> review,conduct meetings <br /> with developers to identify <br /> specific changes that may <br /> be considered by the City. <br /> Use the lower-income-housing fee to <br /> generate funds for the provision of housing <br /> affordable to extremely low-,low-and very <br /> low-income households.The low-income <br /> Program 18.1:Review and housing fund should be used primarily to <br /> modify the lower income leverage State and Federal funds in the <br /> housing fee annually in development of housing affordable to low- <br /> conformance with AB 1600, and very low-income households and in- Annually Refer to the status for Program 17.1. <br /> and consider changing the house loan programs,so that the fund may <br /> basis of the fee to reflect the be used most efficiently and maintained <br /> true cost of providing over time. When considering allocation of <br /> housing. these funds,priority will be given to non- <br /> profit housing developers with a project <br /> including three bedroom units affordable to <br /> large extremely low,low-and very low- <br /> income households. <br />