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In response to Commissioner Wright's question, Mr. Swift replied that prezoning would not <br /> change any of the existing land uses on the site. In regard to the use of firearms to eliminate <br /> varmints, the same code would apply to those annexed into the City as the current residents' <br /> City Code. If varmints become a real problem, the City could create an exemption to the <br /> Code. <br /> Commissioner Horan discussed roadway improvements on Vineyard and Bernal Avenues <br /> with Mr. Swift. <br /> Jim McKeehan returned to the podium. In response to Commissioner Horan's questions <br /> about water concerns, Mr. McKeehan stated that if the project is approved, they would be <br /> receiving agriculture rates only for water used for the vineyards; they would not be using <br /> water at agriculture rates for the residents or the golf course. He also pointed out that <br /> vineyards use much more water than typically expected. It would take about four houses to <br /> equal the water used by one acre of vineyard. <br /> Commissioner Horan stated he would like to go on record in opposition of the project being <br /> called the "Livermore Valley Winery". Mr. McKeehan stated they have not decided on a <br /> name at this point; in fact, it is possible they might have a contest to decide the name. <br /> Vice Chairman Hovingh called attention to Prop. 13 and tax issues. He questioned Mr. <br /> McKeehan as to when the project would no longer pay for itself in tax revenues. Mr. <br /> McKeehan replied that the County has run an economic analysis of the project and it appears <br /> that 22 years from now it would no longer pay for itself. He indicated the value of the <br /> project is over $1 billion. In further response to questions, Mr. McKeehan indicated that a <br /> cost analysis of the City's services has not been done at this time; however, he felt that if <br /> any residential project could be a positive one, it would surely be Ruby Hill. <br /> Commissioner Michelotti and Mr. McKeehan discussed whether the Fenestra Winery would <br /> be remain in the project. Mr. McKeehan indicated they would rent to the Fenestra's; the <br /> intent is to restore the winery and market under the Fenestra name. <br /> Commissioner Michelotti urged that City streets be looked at carefully so that a rural <br /> atmosphere is maintained, somewhat like the Napa Valley area. <br /> In response to Commissioner Wright's question, Mr. McKeehan said this would be a gated <br /> community. <br /> Commissioner Michelotti expressed concern about how the increased traffic on Vineyard <br /> Avenue would affect the other streets. <br /> Commissioner Horan raised the possibility of the applicant developing some type of program <br /> where small businesses might subcontract and benefit from the new development of wineries, <br /> Minutes Planning Commission <br /> November 20, 1991 <br /> Page 8 <br />out <br /> comments and some discussion concerning the possible location of a sports park adjacent to <br /> the ranch. He did not think a park would be compatible with the ranch. He said the plan <br /> shown tonight is contrary to the County's plan, and would like to discuss this matter. <br /> Minutes Planning Commission <br /> November 20, 1991 <br /> Page 7 <br /> , <br /> other factors, at the discretion' ''` tconditional use permit nay be <br /> � '� on tt'e Planning Director, this <br /> H Fav I <br /> I:;r,;�•'..snk.» submitted to the Planning Commission for their subsequent <br /> ! �=�" .; .- <br /> r . ie�N at a public hearing. If necessary, the Commission may <br /> ;n 1. 3•a <br /> �• .�¢:'�' taadi.Yy or add conditions of approval to mitigate such impacts, <br /> `i:..brti <br /> Lve ,• '1:, or may re'. ;.k said conditional use permit. <br /> . t ,. 5. The applicant. shall obtain all applicable City permits for the <br /> ;r�?� eoperation., <br /> �a •,��_ •�;;;.! �.3:S.t^ prior to the commencement of o;�Ft!'u <br /> • <br /> r '.ti . ii "I' 6. tic alcohol shell be consumed outside e the establishment. <br /> . <br /> ;- - nee,',. 7. Outdoor trash dumping shall not occur between the hours of <br /> " f�,:,; the Planning <br /> .tj:.:' . 10:00 ' a.m. , unless '.'t is ld b;: <br /> r, p.m. rind v:JO <br /> ' • ' ., r- that the sound levels from dum¢� trash are less <br /> �'' .,��,..3�.�,. IJirectc . <br /> .'N. Yf ,e. than 60 dBW.. <br /> 11, <br /> 41 <br /> yyIiir.4-41 <br /> l.'{ur - ,rt. -•s ,, P}. >;;AV tt„` 9 ,..,.:y�,42A"!; 5 F'J't C A7 1y_J +"� A 7, x.V. •,A.:4,..1-4.5r,-; Ri+ `04.:.. S! +P.,�'`Jf ,:,:t, ,:t .i , +4. 1v , i vt "..1, rdy� S a ..u..'; , f+ v,• i e,,),,,,-.ik• . 1 •�S ,ilu�''y�f.��,t e. <br /> ,<. j Jr,[`(r'j r .r : . . 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