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• Concern about loss of neighborhood serving retail, and a suggestion that mixed -uses <br />(commercial combined with residential) be required for sites that involve loss of existing <br />retail space (i.e., not allow stand-alone residential on these sites). <br />® Similar to the Planning Commission, the Housing Commission had general consensus <br />on the density identified for the sites in the inventory and was supportive of greater <br />density (e.g., up to 75 du/ac) on select sites that, for example, had access to transit or <br />could provide adequate parking. <br />• Give priority to the Stoneridge Mall site, despite the fact that it did not score the highest <br />points based on the scoring criteria. <br />December 1, 2021, Community Meetino <br />On December 1, 2021, staff held a community meeting via Zoom to introduce the initial draft <br />sites inventory to the community, and to gather direct input and feedback on initial sites list and <br />density assumptions from the community. Approximately 65 individuals participated. Following <br />a presentation, participants moved into four breakout rooms to and were invited to provide <br />direct feedback in a facilitated discussion covering a series of five "subareas". A complete <br />meeting summary can be found in Exhibit C. <br />Although comments varied widely, some common themes that emerged with respect to the <br />sites inventory more generally included: <br />• Concerns about the displacement of existing uses and loss of small businesses, <br />particularly commercial and industrial uses at existing sites such as Mission Plaza, <br />Valley Plaza, and Rheem Drive. <br />• Concerns about overall infrastructure capacity, specifically increased traffic, water <br />supply and quality, and schools' capacity in conjunction with new housing and <br />population growth. <br />• Support of sites that were near BART or transportation such as the Stoneridge <br />Shopping Center and sites within Hacienda. <br />In addition to these general comments, some of the more common site-specific themes that <br />emerged were: <br />Site 17: Mission Plaza and Site 18: Vallev Plaza: Concerns were raised with the <br />potential loss of neighborhood commercial uses within the centers. In addition, <br />attendees were opposed to high density housing on these sites, where height and <br />density could be incompatible with adjacent neighborhoods and low-density residential <br />development in the area. <br />Site 28: SteelWave: Both concern and support were shown for this site among different <br />participants. Support was shown for this site based on the site being vacant, and that it <br />would not directly impact existing neighborhoods in the way that infill sites could. <br />Concerns about this site focused on increased traffic, implications of building of EI <br />Charro Road, and that development in this area would not be as carbon -neutral as <br />compared to development of an infill site. <br />Housing Element Update Planning Commission <br />3of14 <br />