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<br /> NOVEMBER 2021 | 10 <br />Task 6.3 – Wells 9 and 10 Casing Construction Bid Services <br />LSCE will attend the pre-bid meeting, assist the City with answering contractor questions during bidding, and <br />issue up to two addenda during the bid phase for the Wells 9 and 10 casing project. The detailed scope of <br />work for this task is included in Attachment E Task 6.3. <br />Task 6.4 – Wells 9 and 10 Casing Construction and ESDC <br />LSCE will provide ESDC for the Wells 9 and 10 casing construction. The detailed scope of work for this task is <br />included in Attachment E Task 6.4. <br />Task 6.5 – Well Development, Testing, and Pump Recommendations <br />LSCE will oversee well development and pump testing and provide pump design recommendations. The <br />detailed scope of work for this task is included in Attachment E Task 6.5. <br />Task 6 Deliverables: <br />· Refer to Attachment E for the deliverables under this task. <br />Task 6 Assumptions: <br />· Refer to Attachment E for the assumptions under this task. <br />Task 7.0 – California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Permitting <br />Task 7.1 – Prepare Draft Project Description <br />ESA will develop the project description to define the project and establish project understanding, purpose, <br />and need. The detailed scope of work for this task is included in Attachment F Task 7.1. <br />Task 7.2 – Prepare Administrative Draft Initial Study (Ad Draft IS) <br />ESA will prepare an Ad Draft IS for the project in accordance with CEQA and City requirements. The detailed <br />scope of work for this task is included in Attachment F Task 7.2. <br />Task 7.3 – Administrative Draft IS/MND <br />ESA will prepare an Ad Draft IS/MND based on the City’s comments on the Ad Draft IS. The detailed scope of <br />work for this task is included in Attachment F Task 7.3. <br />Task 7.4 – Screencheck Draft <br />ESA will revise the Ad Draft IS/MND based on City comments and will prepare the Screencheck Draft IS/MND. <br />The detailed scope of work for this task is included in Attachment F Task 7.4. <br />Task 7.5 – Respond to Comments <br />Following the public review period, ESA will review comments received on the Draft IS/MND and prepare <br />draft written responses. The detailed scope of work for this task is included in Attachment F Task 7.5.