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recommended for residential development if part of a larger site. This new additional <br />criteria is included as Criteria 7b. <br />Other Requests <br />In addition to the direct modifications to the selection criteria, the Planning Commission <br />requested staff work with the Pleasanton Unified School District (PUSD) to ensure <br />appropriate methods are used for determining over enrollment that extends over a single <br />year (since enrollments can fluctuate year-on-year), and attempt to better define what <br />would be considered "significant tree removal." Staff indicated to the Planning <br />Commission the tree removal criteria may need to remain somewhat more subjective, <br />given development plans and site-specific tree surveys will not be available for most sites. <br />However, staff is otherwise supportive of all of the recommended changes proposed by <br />the Planning Commission, which have been incorporated into Attachment 1. <br />General Plan Conformance <br />Staff wishes to highlight a change proposed in the criteria for this first round of scoring, to <br />delete the previously included criterion: "Potential Inconsistency with General Plan <br />Themes." This criterion referenced and cited a number of specific General Plan policies <br />around sustainability and community character; avoiding impingement of new <br />development on open space and agricultural lands; and avoidance of hazards. <br />Attachment 2 includes a list of the General Plan policies previously referenced in the <br />scoring criteria, for reference. <br />Analysis for conformance with the General Plan and the referenced policies, and other <br />policies relevant to decision-making on the sites inventory (such as policies which more <br />explicitly encourage development to be focused within the existing urbanized portions of <br />the city, and to maintain appropriate transitions and buffers between differing land uses); <br />will be an extremely important consideration for the overall sites evaluation. As currently <br />written, however, a meaningful policy evaluation at this early stage would involve a <br />complex, and in many instances somewhat subjective, evaluation across a diverse range <br />of topics. Staff believes the policy considerations important at this phase are well - <br />addressed by criteria already included, and on an objective basis to the extent possible. <br />For example, the infill, transit proximity, and infrastructure criteria favor sites within the <br />urbanized portion of the city, versus on greenfield sites; and the comparative height and <br />FAR criteria explicitly address neighborhood compatibility.6 <br />As noted, the City Council will ultimately select sites for final inclusion in the inventory that <br />meet the City's assigned RHNA and the requirements of state law (among other <br />considerations), are located on sites with relatively fewer community impacts, and are <br />most consistent with Pleasanton's General Plan goals and policies. <br />Request <br />The City Council is requested to review and approve the initial housing sites selection <br />criteria for the 6th Cycle (2023-2031) Housing Element Update. <br />6 Additional analysis in topic areas as views and aesthetics will be completed as part of the CEQA review, <br />and will be brought forward for consideration in future evaluation phases. <br />Page 8 of 12 <br />