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allowable FAR of surrounding residential properties (since multiple zones or buildings <br />may adjoin a site). <br />Section 7: Interest in Site: <br />Property owner interest in high-density housing, as reflected in this criterion, is considered <br />a positive attribute for a site. Although, per HCD guidance, jurisdictions with a RHNA over <br />5,000 units are not required to provide evidence of property -owner agreement, it is <br />beneficial to do so since sites (and particularly non -vacant sites) assigned to lower- <br />income housing come under greater scrutiny from HCD. 5 <br />Planninq Commission Recommended Chanales <br />After receiving comments and input from the Housing Commission, as well as public <br />comments, the Planning Commission recommended the following additional modifications <br />to the originally proposed selection criteria: <br />Recycled Water Availability <br />Based on concerns regarding the availability, or lack thereof, water in the City, the <br />Planning Commission felt it was important to score sites more highly based on access to <br />recycled water infrastructure, to help reduce the impacts on the overall potable water <br />supply to the City. This modification has been included as Criteria le. <br />BART Proximity <br />The Planning Commission did not believe enough emphasis was placed on the proximity <br />to BART and therefore recommended an additional point be added to reward sites closest <br />to BART stations within the City. This modification has been included in Criteria 2a. <br />Natural Hazard Areas <br />The Planning Commission felt too much emphasis was placed on natural hazard areas as <br />stated in Criteria 4e, which as originally drafted would have awarded up to 4 points for a <br />site outside of each of four identified natural hazard areas (earthquake fault, landslide <br />zone, Special Fire Protection Area, or 100 Year Flood Zone). <br />The Planning Commission recommended this criteria be modified to award one point if a <br />site is outside all of the listed hazard areas, instead of one point for each. <br />Vacant and Underutilized Sites <br />The Planning Commission recommended a site be given an additional point if it was <br />vacant or underutilized. Since "underutilized" can be difficult to define, based on <br />discussion by the Planning Commission, staff is recommending it be defined as a parking <br />lot, or other area with no habitable or leasable structures. For larger sites that may include <br />other development, the criteria would be applied only to the portion of a site <br />5 A previous criteria for "Economic Interest" based on freeway proximity has been deleted. Assuming the <br />intent of this criteria was to understand tradeoffs in converting freeway -adjacent commercial properties to <br />housing, staff believes this aspect would be more effectively analyzed as a policy consideration at a later <br />stage of review. <br />Page 7 of 12 <br />