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Section 1: Site Size and Infill Criteria <br />The criteria in this section have been updated to incorporate new parameters assigned in <br />state law for the suitability of sites for higher -density housing (minimum of 0.5 acres and <br />maximum of 10 acres); to provide a more precise definition of "infill" development in <br />alignment with state law; and to reflect the availability of both wet infrastructure (water <br />and sewer) as well as dry infrastructure (electricity, telecommunications), which is also a <br />requirement of state law. <br />Section 2: Proximity to Modes of Transportation <br />The criteria carry forward parameters included in the prior Housing Element, including <br />proximity to BART or transit stops with frequent headways; proximity to bicycle facilities, <br />and convenient freeway access. <br />Note that at this early stage it is not possible to assess intersection -specific traffic impacts <br />from development of particular sites; however, this will be evaluated in parallel with the <br />CEQA review, as part of the consultant scope of work. <br />Section 3: Proximity to Services and Amenities <br />The majority of criteria in this section have been carried over from the prior Housing <br />Element; they reflect both the general planning principle that residential uses should be <br />convenient to schools, parks, and other amenities, and also respond to criteria in the <br />TCAC program that prioritize proximity to these sorts of community amenities in its <br />scoring for affordable housing funding. <br />An additional criterion has been included to reference proximity to high schools; as well <br />as another that responds to concerns raised by City officials and community members, to <br />evaluate whether the site would contribute new demand to schools with existing or <br />projected capacity issues. <br />Section 4: Environmental Impacts/Hazards <br />Criteria in this section reflect key categories of natural hazard, and of potential exposure <br />to negative environmental elements such as noise, air pollution, or odors.4 . <br />Section 5: Impacts on Sensitive Resources <br />This section carries forward previously -included criteria, with some modified wording for <br />clarity. <br />Section 6: Height and Mass Compatibility <br />Consistency and compatibility with neighboring residential uses is the focus of criteria in <br />this section. Minor changes are proposed to clarify the comparison of a future housing <br />project FAR with surrounding development would be based on the average height and <br />4 Criteria related to proximity to the 230 W line and to wireless facilities have been removed, since other <br />regulations would address any legitimate public health considerations around placement of residential uses <br />in proximity to these facilities, and thus may be viewed as unduly restrictive by the State. <br />Page 6 of 12 <br />