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As described, at least two additional rounds of review and selection will be conducted to <br />determine the ultimate list of sites for inclusion in the Housing Element. Specifically, once <br />all potential sites have been evaluated and scored using the initial criteria, the City <br />Council, with input from the Planning Commission and Housing Commission, will have the <br />opportunity in late 2021 to look at the ranked sites collectively and weigh their merits <br />individually and on aggregate, considering aspects such as geographic <br />location/distribution; any special considerations or concerns (e.g., site-specific <br />constraints, impacts or community concerns; potential yield of units from each site, etc.). <br />This list will be carried forward for technical evaluation through the CEQA review and be <br />subject to preliminary review by HCD. Following this step, in mid- to late- 2022, the City <br />Council will further refine and finalize the list prior to adoption of the Housing Element. <br />Opportunities for public input and engagement will be provided at each of these steps. <br />With respect to the next step for initial sites analysis and selection in late 2021, staff <br />recommends conducting focused community outreach, including at least one community <br />workshop be held in October/November to solicit public input on potential sites and the <br />sites analysis, in addition to the Commission and City Council meetings. <br />The scoresheet for sites is organized into seven topical sections, discussed in more detail <br />below. As noted, the proposed scoresheet includes the majority of the criteria from the <br />prior Housing Element update, with revisions focused on improving clarity and objectivity <br />of criteria, along with the limited addition of new criteria to reflect changes in state law or <br />other regulatory programs (such as CEQA). Some selected criteria are proposed to be <br />deleted based on review and recommendation from the consultant team; an explanation <br />of such changes is also provided below. <br />Staff notes the ultimate Housing Element sites inventory may include sites for both lower- <br />income and market -rate housing. State law allows the City to count units on sites zoned <br />for housing at more than 30 dwelling units per acre (DUA) as low- or very -low- income for <br />the purposes of the Housing Element inventory. However, it does not preclude the City <br />from assuming, in the inventory, that such sites will produce market -rate housing in <br />addition to affordable units. A future policy discussion and decision will entail determining <br />what affordability levels will be associated with all of the sites in the inventory, whether <br />they are at a density of 30 DUA or a different density. Nonetheless, because HCD's <br />review will scrutinize sites assumed to produce lower-income units more closely, and <br />because higher density sites need to be carefully considered as to how they may <br />integrate into existing neighborhoods, many of the criteria are focused on evaluating <br />suitability for higher -density development. <br />Draft Sites Selection Criteria <br />The following outlines the draft criteria for the current 6t" Cycle Housing Element update <br />within seven topic areas, and highlights key changes to the criteria when compared to <br />scoresheet from the 4t" Cycle update: <br />Page 5 of 12 <br />