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Commissioner Pace suggested placing a premium on the larger sites due to the volume of <br />development needed. <br />Commissioner Allen accepted the criteria as proposed. <br />Commissioner Gaidos stated he did not have a problem with the criteria. He suggested <br />targeting larger sites like aging business parks or malls. <br />Chair Brown inquired about potential sites in East Pleasanton. Ms. Clark stated East <br />Pleasanton would require more steps to be viable for development and a plan of action to be <br />provided to make the case for its inclusion in the inventory. Chair Brown stated East <br />Pleasanton would score low because it needs infrastructure improvements, was not infill and <br />not near BART and asked if it could be treated as a special case. Ms. Clark discussed it as <br />potential unique area, since it could take care of a large housing need if it was determined to <br />be an appropriate location. Chair Brown discussed the need to plan for infrastructure and <br />transportation. <br />Commissioner Gaidos mentioned the upcoming Gubernatorial Recall Election and potential for <br />differing political priorities. <br />Commissioner Nibert stated he was happy with the criteria as stated. <br />Commissioner Morgan stated starting with the criteria and reviewing sites was a good start to <br />uncover all possibilities and determine the existing inventory. He suggested a second round of <br />screening for sites that might be more suitable for higher density and affordable housing. He <br />further suggested strategic considerations to building projects near a BART station or around <br />the Stoneridge Mall area. He stated, if Council or others decided on East Pleasanton as a site, <br />it would be a strategic decision to put housing near schools. He agreed with efforts to meet the <br />6t" cycle RHNA numbers, then adding larger projects. <br />Chair Brown mentioned the vacant and underutilized sites, indicating the purpose from the <br />State was to produce housing at all four levels - below market and above market housing. He <br />stated vacant or underutilized sites would increase the likelihood of development. He <br />discussed collective written comments received from East Bay for Everyone, Greenbelt <br />Alliance, Genesis, and Tri Valley Anti -Poverty Collaborative, and the public comments received <br />from Becky Dennis and Jocelyn Combs, and suggested Item E to call out properties currently <br />vacant or underutilized, such as a parking lot, because they were more likely to receive <br />development. <br />Commissioner Allen agreed with Chair Brown's philosophy but preferred to wait until the end. <br />She suggested 7a be bundled with underutilized or vacant properties. Chair Brown stated <br />vacant and underutilized properties and those where the property owner expressed interest <br />deserved an additional point. In response to Commissioner Pace, Chair Brown proposed <br />adding to Item 1 to provide an additional point for vacant or underutilized property and for a <br />property owner expressing interest. Commissioner Morgan suggested a separate category for <br />development feasibility. Chair Brown reiterated the idea of a site attractiveness category. <br />Commissioner Nibert agreed that this would be a appropriate additional criterion in Category 1. <br />Excerpt: Draft Planning Commission Minutes, August 25, 2021 Page 4 of 7 <br />