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the churches had residential zoning and were potentially in the baseline inventory for potential <br />future residential. Commissioner Morgan asked if the inventory was primarily based on vacant <br />properties or underutilized properties, such as an older business park with expansive parking <br />and landscaping, which could be converted. Ms. Clark stated underutilized aging malls and <br />office parks would be considered due to limited vacant sites in the City. Commissioner Morgan <br />asked if commercial sites would be rezoned. Ms. Clark discussed the mixed-use zoning to <br />allow for either commercial or residential. Commissioner Morgan asked if a property could be <br />zoned for 100 -percent affordable housing rather than a mix of affordable and market housing. <br />Ms. Clark stated her opinion that it was unlikely that the State would consider a required <br />100 -percent affordable housing as feasible zoning, since it may be seen as too restrictive or <br />economically unfeasible. <br />Chair Brown confirmed there were 600 replies to the housing survey and inquired if any related <br />to selection criteria. Ms. Clark stated the survey questions offered the opportunity to comment <br />on preferred and specific locations. Chair Brown suggested the survey results be provided <br />prior to final decisions. Ms. Clark suggested the criteria be determined based on guiding <br />principles and the survey results would be available well before the matter comes back before <br />the Planning Commission. Chair Brown mentioned the Housing Commission's comments and <br />asked whether staff wanted the Commission to weigh in on those comments. Ms. Clark stated <br />it could be useful to go over the Housing Commission comments. <br />Chair Brown asked for clarification on the reference to properties that existed from cycle to <br />cycle and means of passing on rights association with the properties. Ms. Clark explained the <br />State law requiring development by right without discretionary review for sites that were <br />included in more than one housing cycle. She stated the zoning would remain and the property <br />would be subject to development standards. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED <br />Jocelyn Combs provided public comment reminding the Commission that the criteria used in <br />the past was focused on low, very low housing and the importance of government property; <br />suggested potential underutilized sites and predicting the unpredictable, land slots, Caltrans <br />deals; and melding the Housing Element and Climate Action Plan (CAP). <br />Becky Dennis provided public comment regarding the importance of climate action; need for <br />public private partnerships to meet climate action goals. She questioned whether above <br />moderate -income housing at higher density, by right zoning and 20 -percent affordable. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED <br />Sites Criteria (Categories 1) — Site Size and Infill Criteria <br />Commissioner Pace confirmed the size criteria related to how much housing could be put on <br />each site; infill versus new was potential impact to neighbors; and infrastructure requirement <br />pertaining to putting in new infrastructure. <br />Chair Brown suggested beginning with weighting properties between one acre and ten. <br />Excerpt: Draft Planning Commission Minutes, August 25, 2021 Page 3 of 7 <br />