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City Council Direction <br />On June 1, City Council conducted a policy discussion regarding the AGFUO and heard <br />public testimony on the item. Whereas the current policy requires the first 25 percent of <br />the depth of the tenant space to be occupied by an active use, the Council majority was <br />supportive of increasing the proportion of a multi -use tenant space subject to the <br />AGFUO that would be required for active uses. The Council also suggested it would be <br />beneficial to clarify some elements of the policy language to better articulate its intent. <br />City Council also directed staff to solicit feedback from key stakeholders, including the <br />PDA and the Chamber of Commerce. <br />Pleasanton Downtown Association and Chamber of Commerce <br />On July 13 and July 14, staff presented potential changes to the AGFUO to the PDA <br />and Chamber of Commerce, respectively. Both groups expressed that the percentage <br />of a multi -tenant space dedicated to active use was less important compared to <br />confirmation from the business operator that uses subject to overlay are bona -fide <br />active uses, as demonstrated by the "front -facing" and visible business operation, a <br />point-of-sale mechanism, and business hours that are generally consistent with retail <br />and restaurant uses. Therefore, the focus of the feedback was directed towards the <br />City having the ability to verify the authenticity of an active use instead of dictating a <br />specific percentage. <br />Additionally, several members of the Chamber expressed that a personal service use <br />may create foot traffic equal to or greater than a retail or restaurant establishment and <br />should be considered as an active use. A member of the Chamber also commented <br />that signage for a non-active use that shares a tenant space with an active use should <br />be secondary in size compared to the signage for an active use. Finally, members of <br />both groups expressed that where an active use and a non-active use share a tenant <br />space, that they both be required to obtain separate business licenses. <br />Correspondence received to -date from both the PDA and Chamber of Commerce is <br />included as Attachment 4 to this report. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND ACTION <br />As noted, the Planning Commission reviewed the amendments to the DSP and PMC <br />related to the AGFUO at its July 28, 2021, meeting. In keeping with City Council's <br />direction, staff recommended that the Planning Commission increase the proportion of <br />active uses in a tenant space with multiple uses,3 and incorporated recommendations <br />from the Chamber requiring signage for a non-active use be subordinate when the <br />tenant space is shared with an active use, and that a separate business licenses for <br />required for each use. <br />3 Among other changes, staffs recommendation to Planning Commission was to increase the depth of <br />the tenant space required for an active use from 25% to 60%, coupled with a requirement that at least <br />60% of the leasable square footage area be dedicated to the active use. <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />