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RECOMMENDATION <br />1. Find that the proposed amendments to the DSP and the PMC are exempt from the <br />California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section <br />15061(b)(3); and <br />2. Adopt a resolution to amend the DSP related to the AGFUO, find the specific plan <br />amendments consistent with the General Plan, and approve Case P21-0636, <br />amendments to the DSP as shown in Attachment 1; <br />3. Introduce the draft ordinance, find the subject code amendments consistent with the <br />General Plan, and approve Case P21-0637, amendments to the PMC as shown in <br />Attachment 2; and <br />4. Consider identifying as a future City Council Work Plan item' an update to the <br />AGFUO to include personal services as permitted uses after the initial six-month <br />vacancy period, rather than a broader range of active and non-active uses as is <br />currently allowed. <br />FINANCIAL STATEMENT <br />No fiscal impact to the City or public service is anticipated with the subject amendments <br />to the DSP and PMC. <br />BACKGROUND <br />In December 2020, staff received a request to utilize the exceptions identified in the <br />DSP to locate a non-active use downtown, based on provisions of the policy that allow <br />for a business occupying a space with a mix of active and non-active uses, to operate.z <br />The Director of Community Development denied the request and on appeal, the <br />Planning Commission considered the request at its February 10, 2021, meeting. The <br />Planning Commission upheld the appeal, but also suggested the policy in the DSP be <br />reviewed by City Council, who requested a discussion be agendized. Ori June 1, 2021, <br />the City Council heard public comment and provided direction to staff (see discussion <br />below). <br />After the June 1 City Council meeting, staff presented this topic and potential <br />modifications to the PDA and Chamber of Commerce; comments are outlined below. <br />Also below is a summary of Planning Commission's discussion and recommendation. <br />Staff suggests this could be considered as a work plan item for Fiscal Year 2022-23 to provide an <br />opportunity to apply the AGFUO for a longer period of time, and evaluate conditions "post COVID." <br />2 Separately, an application for an exception based on other provisions of the AGFUO, for tenant spaces <br />vacant for more than six months, was received on April 5, 2021. This application was approved by the <br />Director of Community Development on April 23, 2021 and was not appealed. <br />The City received another request for exception on May 18, 2021: a business consisting of personal <br />services for a vacant tenant space at 560 Main Street. Due to the non-active nature of the use, on June <br />7, 2021, the Zoning Administrator denied the Zoning Certificate that would allow the use to occupy the <br />tenant space. The applicant has since re -submitted a revised and updated application, which the Zoning <br />Administrator also denied (on September 2, 2021); if appealed, this item will be scheduled for a future <br />Planning Commission hearing. <br />Page 2 of 7 <br />