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BACKGROUND <br /> The DSP provides goals, objectives, and implementation measures that facilitate the <br /> changes needed to serve the City's growing population and employment base while still <br /> preserving the essence of Downtown's small-town character. The original DSP was <br /> adopted in 1989, updated in 2002 and again in 2019. The 2019 DSP was updated with <br /> guidance from a City Council-appointed 10-member Task Force, composed of <br /> representatives from City Council, Planning Commission, the Economic Vitality <br /> Committee and members at large. Extensive public outreach occurred through the two- <br /> year update process, including with local residents, downtown business and property <br /> owners, and the Pleasanton Downtown Association, among others. The Task Force <br /> discussed a number of topics during the update, one of which was the AGFUO. <br /> The adopted DSP indicates that the AGFUO applies to tenant spaces with a storefront <br /> fronting Main Street.2 Included in the Task Force discussion and deliberation were the <br /> following topics: (1) the requirements for multi-tenant buildings; (2) requirements for <br /> multi-use spaces; (3) exceptions to the active ground floor use requirement; and (4) the <br /> definition and applicability of the AGFUO, along with several other related topics as <br /> discussed in this report and Attachment 2. The requirements for the AGFUO are <br /> reflected both in a series of policies in the DSP, and in Chapter 18.81 of the Pleasanton <br /> Municipal Code (PMC). <br /> On December 17, 2020, the City received an application to allow Iron Horse Real Estate <br /> to locate within a ground floor space at 550 Main Street, citing its inclusion of a retail <br /> component of the business, in conjunction with a real estate office, a non-active use, as <br /> a basis to be allowed to occupy the space. The Director of Community Development <br /> determined that insufficient evidence had been provided that the retail component would <br /> meet the criteria established in the DSP and PMC, and denied the application; the <br /> Director's decision was subsequently appealed to the Planning Commission by the <br /> applicant. <br /> The Planning Commission deliberated on the appeal at its February 10, 2021, meeting. <br /> During the timeframe between the administrative denial and the Planning Commission <br /> hearing to consider the appeal, the applicant made adjustments to her proposal such <br /> that the front portion (the first 25% of the tenant space, as measured perpendicular to <br /> the façade fronting Main Street) of the business would be dedicated to retail sales, and <br /> provided additional supporting information to demonstrate that the use would be a bona <br /> fide retail business. The Planning Commission granted the appeal, allowing the <br /> business to locate along Main Street, but requested that the City Council consider the <br /> policies for active ground floor uses. At the March 2, 2021, meeting, the City Council <br /> directed staff to bring this item to the City Council for discussion. Therefore, this item is <br /> before the City Council for discussion and direction regarding the policies in the August <br /> 2019 DSP regarding active ground floor uses. <br /> 2 The AGFUO would also apply to the Mixed-Use Downtown District. Development of the Mixed-Use <br /> Downtown District is subject to approval by voters to modify the Bernal Property Phase II Specific Plan <br /> and approve a financing plan for the potential relocation of the existing civic center. <br /> 2 <br /> Exhibit B to July 28 Planning Commission agenda report <br />the Zoning Certificate that would allow the use to occupy the tenant space on June 7, 2021. <br /> Active Ground Floor Use Overlay Planning Commission <br /> 2 of 5 <br />