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EXHIBIT B <br /> THE CITY Of <br /> eft/M111111. _ sin <br /> jtATdR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT <br /> June 1, 2021 <br /> Community Development <br /> TITLE: REVIEW BACKGROUND AND PROVIDE POLICY DIRECTION ON THE <br /> ACTIVE GROUND FLOOR USE OVERLAY IN THE DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC <br /> PLAN <br /> SUMMARY <br /> The updated Downtown Specific Plan (DSP) was adopted by City Council on August 20, <br /> 2019. The updated DSP includes an overlay referred to as the Active Ground Floor Use <br /> Overlay (AGFUO) and establishes policy regarding active ground floor uses that <br /> prohibits non-active uses on the ground floor along Main Street. However, subject to <br /> meeting specific criteria, a non-active use may occupy a ground floor tenant space even <br /> though it is subject to the requirements of the overlay. <br /> In December, 2020, staff received a request to utilize the exceptions identified in the <br /> specific plan to locate a non-active use downtown, based on provisions of the policy that <br /> allow for a business occupying a space with a mix of active and non-active uses, to <br /> operate.' The Director of Community Development denied the request and on appeal, <br /> the Planning Commission considered the request at its February 10, 2021, meeting. <br /> The Planning Commission upheld the appeal, but also suggested the policy in the DSP <br /> be reviewed by City Council, who requested a discussion be agendized. This meeting <br /> is to review the policy and request City Council direction on potential amendments to <br /> the policy. <br /> RECOMMENDATION <br /> Staff recommends the City Council review the background on the AGFUO and provide <br /> direction on potential revisions to the policy. <br /> FINANCIAL STATEMENT <br /> No fiscal impact is anticipated as a result of the City Council's action. <br /> 1 Separately, an application for an exception based on other provisions of the AGFUO, for tenant spaces <br /> vacant for more than six months, was received on April 5, 2021. This application was approved by the <br /> Director of Community Development on April 23, 2021, and was not appealed. <br /> 1 <br /> Exhibit B to July 28 Planning Commission agenda report <br />f active ground- <br /> floor use in chapter 18.08, signage shall emphasize the active use such that signage for any <br /> non-active use is clearly subordinate, as determined by the director of community <br /> development. <br /> 18.81.040 050 Procedure for granting exceptions. <br /> A. The director of community development or his/her designee may grant an exception to <br /> allow a non-active ground floor use within a tenant space or building, based on any of the <br /> following criteria: <br /> 1. The tenant space has been vacant existing use has been abandoned or discontinued for a <br /> period of at least six months. Evidence of attempts to lease space shall be provided to the director <br /> of community development upon request. Evidence of attempts to lease the tenant space may <br /> include but is not limited to: copies of advertisements or listings posted, time-stamped <br /> Provided to Planning Commission on July 28, 2021 Attachment 2 to Resolution PC-2021-13, Page 2 <br />PC-2021-13, Page 1 <br />nd 60% of the square footage, although a variety of other <br /> options also exist, such as 50% or 75%. <br /> Active Ground Floor Use Overlay Planning Commission <br /> 3 of 5 <br /> for a <br /> vacant tenant space at 560 Main Street. Due to the non-active nature of the use, the Zoning Administrator denied <br /> the Zoning Certificate that would allow the use to occupy the tenant space on June 7, 2021. <br /> Active Ground Floor Use Overlay Planning Commission <br /> 2 of 5 <br />