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• Make clear that both the depth and proportion of total square footage measurements <br /> are based on leasable square footage. <br /> • Make clear that a non-active use within a multi-use space be located in the rear of the <br /> tenant space. <br /> These modifications are proposed to be carried forward to draft changes to PMC Section <br /> 18.81 .020. <br /> One topic of discussion that came up previously between Planning Commissioners was <br /> regarding window display areas and inset doorways, and how these types of areas should be <br /> measured with respect to the minimum depth requirement for active uses. Since a minimum <br /> square footage requirement has now been added for an active use in a multi-use tenant space <br /> and because of the variation in the configuration of tenant spaces downtown, staff does not <br /> recommend any adjustments to the DSP and PMC specifically regarding window display area <br /> and inset doorways. <br /> LD-P.19, Exceptions to the Active Ground Floor Use Requirement <br /> The draft changes to Policy LD-P.19 are summarized as follows: <br /> • The term, "vacancy," is proposed to be replaced with "abandonment" and <br /> "discontinuation" of use, to align with terminology used in the Nonconforming Uses <br /> chapter of the PMC.3 <br /> • Language has been added to provide examples of evidence to lease the space, to <br /> make the policy intent clearer (evidence such as copies of advertisements or listings, <br /> time-stamped photographs of "for lease" signage, or written correspondence with <br /> prospective tenants). <br /> • The draft language makes clear that City Council would be notified of a decision by the <br /> Director of Community Development, in addition to Planning Commission, consistent <br /> with notification requirements for other administrative decisions. <br /> These draft changes are to be incorporated as draft changes shown for PMC Section <br /> 18.81.050. <br /> Procedures for Obtaining Zoning Certificate Approval - New Text Proposed in PMC <br /> A new section to Chapter 18.81 is proposed, outlining the procedure for obtaining a zoning <br /> certificate for a use subject to the overlay. The proposed text in Chapter 18.81 .040 indicates: <br /> • The Director of Community Development may, in response to an application for zoning <br /> certificate for a business that is subject to the overlay, request additional information to <br /> verify compliance with the provisions of the policy and code. The additional information <br /> that is required could entail a written narrative that identifies the proposed operation of <br /> the use, including confirmation of a point-of-sale system and proposed business hours. <br /> 3 This change is proposed to address the relatively common occurrence where a tenant will stop paying rent or <br /> discontinue its public-facing business operation, followed by a period during which it needs time to liquidate <br /> merchandise or clear fixtures from a space; during such a period it could be argued that the space is not <br /> technically "vacant." <br /> Active Ground Floor Use Overlay Planning Commission <br /> 4 of 5 <br /> of the tenant <br /> space be dedicated to the active use. <br /> 2 Staff's recommendation is for 60% of the depth and 60% of the square footage, although a variety of other <br /> options also exist, such as 50% or 75%. <br /> Active Ground Floor Use Overlay Planning Commission <br /> 3 of 5 <br /> for a <br /> vacant tenant space at 560 Main Street. Due to the non-active nature of the use, the Zoning Administrator denied <br /> the Zoning Certificate that would allow the use to occupy the tenant space on June 7, 2021. <br /> Active Ground Floor Use Overlay Planning Commission <br /> 2 of 5 <br />