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Resolution No. PC-2021-07 <br /> Page Three <br /> 3. Whether the plan is compatible with previously developed properties in the vicinity <br /> and the natural, topographic features of the site: <br /> The Project site is surrounded by a variety of uses: multi-story office buildings, a regional <br /> mall, and residential development. The proposed office and R&D uses would be compatible <br /> with the surrounding uses. The building and parking garage heights would be compatible <br /> with the multi-story office buildings and parking garages in the vicinity. The structures have <br /> been attractively designed and would be compatible with the design of the surrounding <br /> structures. New landscaping would be installed to soften the buildings and help screen the <br /> parking areas from off-site views. The subject site is relatively level. Except for potential <br /> minor excavation to lower the height of the proposed parking structure and other minor <br /> grading to install landscaping and to create proper drainage for the improvements and <br /> bioswales, the existing grades on the subject site would generally be maintained. Grading <br /> conducted on the subject site would be subject to engineering and building standards prior <br /> to any development. Therefore, it is recommended the City Council make this finding. <br /> 4. Whether grading takes into account environmental characteristics and is designed <br /> in keeping with the best engineering practices to avoid erosion, slides, or flooding <br /> to have as minimal an effect upon the environment as possible. <br /> As described above, the subject site is relatively level with minimum changes in grades <br /> proposed. Erosion control and dust suppression measures would be documented in the <br /> building and improvement plans and will be administered by the City's Building and <br /> Engineering Divisions. City building code requirements would ensure that building <br /> foundations, on-site driveways, and parking areas are constructed on properly prepared <br /> surfaces. The proposed development would provide adequate drainage to prevent <br /> flooding. Parking lot and roof drainage would drain into landscaped bioretention areas that <br /> would filter contaminants before entering the arroyos and, ultimately, the bay. The subject <br /> site is not located within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone. The flood hazard maps <br /> of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) indicate the subject site is not <br /> located in a flood hazard zone. Therefore, it is recommended the City Council make this <br /> finding. <br /> 5. Whether streets and buildings have been designed and located to complement the <br /> natural terrain and landscape: <br /> The subject site is in a developed area of the City and would not involve the extension of <br /> any new public streets. Development would be located on level areas of the subject site. <br /> The proposed structures would be compatible in size and scale with surrounding <br /> structures, and subsequent phases of the project would be subject to Planning Commission <br /> Design Review to ensure massing, scale and design of buildings is harmonious with the <br /> surrounding area. New landscaping including large box-sized trees would be installed to <br /> mitigate the loss of the existing landscaping and trees. Therefore, it is recommended the <br /> City Council make this finding. <br /><br /> uses to support Pleasanton's increasing business activity. It is recommended the City <br /> Council find the proposed development plan is consistent with the City's General Plan, and <br /> this finding can be made. <br /> November 18, 2020 <br />Approvals or that could prevent or <br /> 4412928_2 -10- <br /> the Project, which list shall include the following items: <br /> 4412928_2 -8- <br />