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April 2021 DRAFT: FY2021/22 - FY 2022/23 City Council Work Plan <br />Staff Priority: A - Completed/milestone 1st year, B - Completed/milestone 2nd year <br />C - Completed/milestone as resources available, D - Not recommended Page# 8 of 24 <br />Goals Project Description City Dpmnt.CIP?CIP Estimate <br />Staff <br />Priority Project Status Detailed Project Status <br />Mayor <br />Brown VA JB KN JT <br />Design New Bernal Bridge The first phase of this project will be to analyze design <br />alternatives for the second bridge on the south side of the <br />existing bridge. Subsequent phases will include the design of <br />the preferred alternative, and obtain required regulatory <br />permits, and construction of the bridge. However it is <br />envisioned the second bridge will be to today’s standards <br />with care given to aesthetically complement the existing truss <br />bridge, but not try to replicate it. <br />ENG Yes Design Only C <br />Underway The study to determine the feasibility of adding a <br />second parallel bridge to the existing Bernal Avenue <br />bridge over the Arroyo Da La Laguna is complete. <br />Because of the age of the existing bridge (in service <br />since 1941) and the limited capacity of only one lane in <br />each direction, the study analyzed the possibility of <br />adding a second parallel bridge to handle eastbound <br />traffic, with the current bridge serving westbound traffic. <br />Unfortunately the study found that the only viable option <br />is to replace the existing bridge. While this will be <br />disruptive to traffic and must be carefully planned, it is <br />very likely that based upon Federal and State <br />guidelines, grants can be secured to fund almost the <br />entire cost of designing and replacing the existing <br />bridge. While the grant would pay most of the cost of a <br />new bridge, the downside of grant funding is it will only <br />pay for a modern bridge compared to the aesthetics of <br />the existing bridge. <br />Construct widening of westbound <br />Bernal Avenue at First Street to Allow <br />2nd Left Turn Lane <br />Construct a second left turn lane on westbound Bernal <br />Avenue at First Street, as noted in the General Plan. This <br />project will improve a.m. and p.m. traffic impacts and <br />minimize cut-through traffic in the Independence and <br />Junipero neighborhoods. <br />CDD/ <br />ENG Yes A <br />Underway A summary of work to date, and a recommendation to <br />proceed to biddable plans and specifications for the <br />alternative widening to the north was presented to and <br />approved by City Council on August 4, 2020. Final <br />design plans are anticipated to be completed by <br />summer 2021 with construction to begin in fall of 2021 <br />through spring of 2022. Scope of project has expanded <br />significantly to also include bicycle and pedestrian <br />facilities on all four streets approaching the intersection, <br />as well as landscaping and monument signs for the <br />PUSD offices and the entrance to the City's downtown. <br />X X X X <br />Explore Long-Term Parking Solution <br />for ACE Station <br />As part of ACE’s future plans to expand the frequency of train <br />service, work with Alameda County and ACE to identify <br />permanent overflow parking areas for ACE riders, including <br />the fairgrounds and former SFPUC site as ways to more <br />effectively manage the parking supply/circulation system <br />around the existing station. Coordinate with ACE to allow <br />downtown visitors or employees to utilize the ACE parking <br />lots during weekends or other time periods when ACE <br />parking demand is low. <br />CDD Yes C <br />Planned The San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission was the <br />lead agency for the ACE forward draft Environmental <br />Impact Report. The DEIR described both near and long <br />term parking improvements for the Pleasanton Station. <br />Due to significant environmental concerns associated <br />with overall system expansion, the SJRRC is no longer <br />pursuing the DEIR. SJRRC will be issuing a new EIR <br />that only evaluates improvements in San Joaquin <br />County. Staff will continue to explore various parking <br />improvements near the station including the temporary <br />use of the recently acquired San Francisco Water <br />Property located next to the Pleasanton Library. <br />X <br />Traffic Circulation (continued) <br />Implement improved traffic circulation measures