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by the fire marshal. The resident owner shall obtain the new street address for the accessory dwelling unit <br /> from the engineering department. <br /> G- E.Adequate roadways,public utilities and services shall be available to serve the accessory <br /> dwelling unit. Accessory dwelling units shall not be considered new residential uses for the purposes of <br /> calculating connection fees or capacity charges for sewer and water. Installation of a separate direct <br /> connection between an accessory dwelling unit contained within an existing structure and the utility shall <br /> not be required. Accessory dwelling units not within an existing structure shall be required to install a new <br /> or separate utility connection and be charged a connection fee and/or capacity charge. These charges shall <br /> be proportionate to the burden imposed by the accessory dwelling unit on the water or sewer system based <br /> upon either its size or number of plumbing fixtures as determined by the city. <br /> 14, F. The owner of the lot on which an accessory dwelling unit is located shall participate in the city's <br /> monitoring program to determine rent levels of the accessory dwelling units being rented. <br /> G.The accessory dwelling unit shall not create an adverse impact on any real property that is listed <br /> in the California Register of Historical Places-Resources. <br /> H.The accessory dwelling unit shall comply with other zoning and building requirements generally <br /> applicable to residential construction in the applicable zone where the property is located. <br /> K.I A restrictive covenant shall be recorded against the lot containing the accessory dwelling unit with <br /> the Alameda County recorder's office prior to the issuance of a building permit from the building division <br /> stating that: <br /> The property contains an approved accessory dwelling unit pursuant to Chapter 18.106 of the Pleasanton <br /> Municipal Code and is subject to the restrictions and regulations set forth in that chapter. These restrictions <br /> and regulations generally address subdivision and development prohibitions,owner occupancy and lease <br /> requirements, limitations on the size of the accessory dwelling unit, parking requirements, and <br /> participation in the city's monitoring program to determine rent levels of the accessory dwelling units <br /> being rented. Current restrictions and regulations may be obtained from the city of Pleasanton planning <br /> division. These restrictions and regulations shall be binding upon any successor in ownership of the <br /> property. <br /> 18.106.070 Required standards for all junior accessory dwelling units. <br /> All junior accessory dwelling units shall meet the following standards: <br /> A. The junior accessory dwelling unit shall be located entirely within the existing structure of the <br /> detached single one-family residence and shall have its own separate interior and exterior entrances. <br /> B. The junior accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed 500 square feet in area. The square footage of <br /> the primary residence and ADU combined cannot exceed the maximum floor area ratio requirement for the <br /> lot. <br /> C. The junior accessory dwelling unit shall include an efficiency kitchen which includes a sink, <br /> cooking appliance, counter surface,and storage cabinets that meet minimum building code standards. Gas <br /> and 220v circuits shall not be allowed.The junior accessory dwelling unit may share a bathroom with the <br /> primary residence or may have its own bathroom. <br /> P20-0412. Accessory Dwelling Units Second Reading, March 2, 2021 <br /> Attachment 1, PMC Amendments. Page 15 <br />