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During the design of the project, Carollo reviewed all available RCS on the market and <br /> identified UGSI as the system able to meet the demands of the City's project. UGSI <br /> provided a complete pre-packaged system including a unique chemical feed control <br /> system that has a proven successful history in similar applications. <br /> The RCS system will be housed in a prefabricated shed that is approximately nine feet <br /> wide, eight feet tall and 28 feet long. At the Foothill site, the RCS unit will be placed <br /> near the existing pump station within the current parking lot (see Attachment 2 for <br /> location). At the Sycamore site, the RCS unit is being placed on an existing roadway <br /> turn-around (see Attachment 3 for location). <br /> The water quality testing results demonstrated that the chemical feed will only be <br /> necessary primarily in the summer and fall when nitrification is known to occur. The <br /> RCS units are designed to be remotely operated and monitored through the SCADA <br /> system. After the initial start-up period, it will only require weekly site visits matching the <br /> current operation/maintenance schedules for each of the reservoir tanks. <br /> Bids <br /> Sealed bids for this project were opened on January 29, 2021. A total of eight bids were <br /> received, ranging from $1,471,000 to $2,443,000. The lowest bid was submitted by <br /> Cazadoro Construction, Inc. in the amount of$1,471,000 (see Attachment 4 for the bid <br /> summary). This is approximately 22.6 percent higher than the Engineer's Estimate of <br /> $1.2 million. However, four of the other bids received were within five percent of the <br /> lowest bid, so even though the lowest bid is higher than Carollo's project estimate, the <br /> low bid is thought to be a competitive bid. All other bid documents were found to be in <br /> order and past work performed by Cazadoro was verified to be satisfactory. Staff <br /> recommends award of the construction contract to Cazadoro for $1,471,000. <br /> Consultant Services <br /> Carollo, the project designer, will be providing construction support services to review <br /> shop drawings, provide responses to requests for information, and periodic inspections. <br /> In addition, Carollo will also provide start-up support and an operational control manual. <br /> Carollo's electrical subcontractor will review the electrical components of the project and <br /> provide site inspections. See Attachment 5 for the professional services agreement and <br /> scope of work. <br /> Under an existing on-call survey contract with the City, Ruggeri-Jensen-Azar will be <br /> providing property line staking for the installation of fencing along shared property lines. <br /> Under another existing on-call contract with the City, Tesco Controls, Inc. will be <br /> providing SCADA control integration between the new RCS systems and existing <br /> SCADA system which is used to operate the City's potable water system. The work <br /> shall include new SCADA control panels, field work and software programming. <br /> Budget <br /> A total of$1 million is budgeted in the Water Quality Improvements at Lower Zone <br /> Storage Tanks, CIP No. 20156, for the construction of the project. A total of$105,911 is <br /> Page 3 of 5 <br />