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Task 2.0-Deliverables <br /> 1. Carollo will provide written responses to bidder questions. <br /> Task 2.0-Assumptions <br /> 2. We assume the bid period will be approximately 1 month. <br /> Task 3.0 - Engineering Services During Construction <br /> Task 3.1-Attend Construction Meetings <br /> Carollo will attend a total of six(6)construction progress meetings during the active construction of the project. <br /> The active construction duration is the time that the Contractor is actively working on site and is assumed to be <br /> 4 months. <br /> Task 3.2-RFI Review <br /> Carollo will review ten(10)requests for information(RFI's)as requested by the City.We assume the RFI's will <br /> include Contractor furnished information and technical documents, including supplemental drawings, <br /> specifications,etc.that require additional clarification. We have allocated 6 hours for each RFI. <br /> Task 3.3-Submittal Review <br /> Carollo will review shop drawing submittals provided by the Contractor. Review comments will be returned to <br /> the City's construction manager for processing and distribution to the Contractor. It is assumed that a total of <br /> ten(10)initial submittals will be reviewed and a total of five(5)resubmittals will be reviewed.We assume each <br /> initial submittal review will require 8 hours and each resubmittal will require 4 hours of review time. <br /> Task 3.4-Develop Record Drawings <br /> Carollo will develop record drawing for the project under this task.We assume the Contractor will develop <br /> red-lined markups during construction.The City's construction manager will review the Contractor's red- <br /> lined markups for accuracy.Carollo will draft the record drawings and submit CAD drawings and PDFs for the <br /> City's records. <br /> Task 3.5-Operational Guide for RCS <br /> Carollo will develop an operational guide for City staff to operate the residual control systems at the Foothill <br /> and Sycamore Tanks.The guide will summarize operating strategies of the RCS to reduce nitrification in the <br /> distribution system based on nitrification trigger levels for monitoring parameters such as total chlorine <br /> residual and nitrite.We envision the guide as a brief(2-5 page)technical memorandum(TM)that <br /> summarizes various actions/adjustments to the RCS's based on water quality parameters measured as part <br /> of the City's regular sampling. <br /> Task 3.6- Electrical Inspection Oversite <br /> Carollo's sub-consultant(Pezzoni)will provide electrical inspection oversite.It is assumed the City will lead <br /> the electrical inspection and Pezzoni will provide onsite inspections as requested by the City. <br /> Task 3.0-Deliverables <br /> 2 <br />