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Attachment 2 <br /> The CITY intends to work with the CONTRACTOR to plan and modify the service with <br /> resident and program participant input. Ideas and suggestions from the CONTRACTOR about <br /> system planning are encouraged. <br /> The CITY has a Pleasanton Paratransit Task Force (Task Force) whose purpose includes <br /> exchange of ideas and information about the operations of PPS and suggests changes that may <br /> be needed. It is expected that the CONTRACTOR will assign personnel to participate in <br /> meetings of the Task Force that occur four times a year, and any additional community input <br /> meetings as deemed necessary. In addition, the CITY's Paratransit Program Manager and the <br /> CONTRACTOR'S Project Manager, or designated members of their staffs, will meet on a <br /> periodic basis to discuss performance of the system and any needed changes to program <br /> operations. <br /> B. Eligibility Certification <br /> Prior to the first day of service the CITY will provide a list of current eligible riders to the <br /> CONTRACTOR. Once CONTRACTOR service starts CONTRACTOR will be responsible for <br /> maintaining the eligibility list and offering Pleasanton residents eligibility into the program. <br /> C. Fare Collection, Distribution and Reporting fare for one-way ride <br /> One way rides will be sold and fares will be received by CONTRACTOR. Purchase of one way <br /> rides may be made in person at CONTRACTOR'S Pleasanton office location(7080 Commerce <br /> Drive) or through other means deemed appropriate by CONTRACTOR such as vouchers, via <br /> phone or electronically by a secure means. Fare collection will be reported by CONTRACTOR <br /> to the CITY by the 10th of each month. <br /> D. Advertising and Promotion <br /> The CITY will be responsible for program development and service promotion. Periodically, <br /> newsletters and other marketing materials may be prepared. It is expected that the <br /> CONTRACTOR will cooperate with marketing efforts by assisting with the distribution and <br /> collection of survey forms and other associated materials. The CONTRACTOR will be required <br /> to display signage on all vehicles used to provide service under this contract as specified by the <br /> CITY. <br /> CONTRACTOR is required to participate in up to six(6) Senior Citizen related events annually. <br /> When the Senior Center has events such as the Transit Faire, Open House, Senior Center <br /> Appreciation Month, the CONTRACTOR is required to host a booth, advertising PPS services. <br /> Similarly, the CONTRACTOR will be required to promote PPS services, through providing <br /> transport to and from the Pleasanton Senior Center, for limited Senior Center Special Events <br /> such as the Holiday Tea. <br /> E. Adjustments to Service <br /> The CITY may make adjustments to the service offered during the term of the AGREEMENT. <br /> The CITY expects to work closely with the CONTRACTOR on such modifications in order to <br /> 10IPage <br />