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Attachment 2 <br /> reviewing and evaluating driver performance, adherence to safety rules, on-time performance <br /> checks, mobility device securement and service quality monitoring. <br /> VI. SAFETY AND TRAINING PROGRAM <br /> The CONTRACTOR will have full responsibility for assuring the safety of all passengers and <br /> operations personnel. The CONTRACTOR must comply with all applicable federal, state and <br /> local regulations. The CONTRACTOR must implement and maintain a formal safety and <br /> training program. In addition, evidence that all vehicle operators, and other pertinent personnel, <br /> have shown that they are competent in all components of the safety and training program must <br /> be provided to the CITY upon request. <br /> The CONTRACTOR's driver safety and training program should include the following <br /> information and instruction: <br /> 1. Defensive driving instruction (DOT recogonized recommended). <br /> 2. Passenger assistance training and sensitivity training in working with elderly and <br /> disabled passengers, including training in proper wheelchair lift operation and <br /> wheelchair tie-downs (DOT reconginzed recommended). <br /> 3. Training in CPR, first aid, emergency preparedness and evacuation procedures. <br /> 4. Training in map reading and local geography . <br /> 5. Training on the CITY's PPS policies and procedures(i.e. completing vouchers, assisting <br /> passengers, etc.). <br /> 6. A re-training program, for each driver who experiences a preventable accident, and for <br /> drivers who have identified performance problems. (Recommended that re-training be <br /> completed within two weeks following the accident. Re-training documentation shall be <br /> provided to the CITY upon request. <br /> 7. Ongoing driver safety/training sessions for all existing, trained drivers; training should <br /> include an overview of all elements in the new driver training as described above <br /> (recommended monthly). <br /> 8. Evaluation of individual driver's skills (recommended every six months). <br /> VII. RESPONSIBILITIES <br /> A. Administration and System Planning <br /> The CITY's Paratransit Program Manager will be responsible for administering the <br /> AGREEMENT and for monitoring and evaluating the service. The CONTRACTOR'S Project <br /> Manager will be accountable to the CITY for the services provided under the AGREEMENT. <br /> The CONTRACTOR will be responsible for the delivery of transportation services under the <br /> AGREEMENT. The CONTRACTOR will coordinate, manage, and control all necessary <br /> program activities which will include, but not be limited to: providing cost-effective and <br /> efficient door-to-door transportation and shuttle transportation services as needed by eligible <br /> program participants, washing and maintaining the interior and exterior of service vehicles, <br /> providing and training drivers and other project personnel, developing administrative <br /> procedures, and compiling financial and non-financial records, including service utilization <br /> data. <br /> 91 Page <br />