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Attachment 2 <br /> Driver assistance must be provided in a manner that is respectful of the passenger's dignity and <br /> independence while at the same time ensuring their safety. Driver assistance must be provided <br /> in a manner that does not put other passengers, who are waiting in the vehicle, at risk of being <br /> harmed. Passengers,who are picked up or dropped off at large office buildings or similar settings <br /> where the doorway of their destination is not visible and easily accessible to where the vehicle <br /> would park, must make arrangements to meet the driver at a main entrance(example: at a main <br /> lobby entrance)that is more easily accessed by the driver. <br /> Drivers shall not enter a passenger's home (except in an emergency situation, and then only for <br /> the purposes of obtaining help), nor shall drivers lift or carry a passenger. Passengers unable to <br /> walk independently must be able to use the necessary assistive devices independently (driver <br /> assistance may be provided) to enable him/her to get to and from the vehicle. If a passenger <br /> needs assistance that goes beyond the parameters described herein, it is the passenger's <br /> responsibility to obtain that assistance from someone other than the driver prior to the delivery <br /> of service. If, in the driver's opinion, a situation presents a potential safety hazard, either to the <br /> passenger, the driver, or to another party, the driver is required to contact dispatch and a <br /> determination will be made in consultation with CONTRACTOR management staff whether to <br /> refuse to assist and/or transport the passenger. In this instance an incident report should be <br /> completed and filed in accordance with the CONTRACTOR's Standard Operating Procedures, <br /> with a copy submitted to the CITY. <br /> In the event of injury, accident or other emergency, the driver shall follow CONTRACTOR's <br /> established policies, immediately advise dispatcher, and request direction and assistance as <br /> necessary. Driver is not to leave the scene until the police department having jurisdiction has <br /> completed a report. CONTRACTOR shall maintain Incident/Accident Reports,including police <br /> reports, and shall submit these to the CITY in accordance with service standards. <br /> Regularly assigned drivers or trained back-up drivers must be available and on time daily to <br /> ensure consistent and reliable service. Drivers shall be required by the`CONTRACTOR to wear <br /> uniforms and identification badges. <br /> All vehicle operators must be trained and proven to be proficient in all elements of the <br /> CONTRACTOR's Safety and Training Program.The CONTRACTOR must verify to the CITY, <br /> upon request, that all drivers have received and passed the training required in the <br /> AGREEMENT. The CONTRACTOR must also participate in the California Department of <br /> Motor Vehicles' Pull Notice Program(Sect. 1808.1 CVC) so as to be notified of any changes in <br /> the driving record of any of its vehicle operators. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the CITY of <br /> any action taken against a driver based on his/her record, in terms of its impact on the CITY's <br /> paratransit program. <br /> Road Supervisors <br /> The CONTRACTOR will utilize Road Supervisors to respond to specific issues and incidents <br /> that occur while the vehicles are away from the facility. In the event of an accident, <br /> CONTRACTOR's Road Supervisor will immediately go to the scene to coordinate the transfer <br /> of passengers if the vehicle is damaged and ensure that mandated drug and alcohol testing is <br /> performed. Additionally, CONTRACTOR's Road Supervisors will conduct routine fieldwork <br /> 81 Page <br />
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