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Attachment 2 <br /> obligations under the AGREEMENT. CITY intends to perform one (1) performance review <br /> during the base contract term and reserves the right to conduct one (1) additional performance <br /> review at any other point during the Term. Upon notice from CITY that a performance review <br /> will be conducted, CONTRACTOR shall provide all information requested by CITY and <br /> cooperate with the review.Performance review may focus on the following,but is not limited <br /> to these items: call center performance, total complaints, missed pick-ups, contract <br /> compliance, vehicle maintenance,public education and outreach efforts. CITY will conduct its <br /> evaluation and report out as needed. Performance reviews shall involve performance of the <br /> CONTRACTOR generally and shall not involve the CITY reviewing the work of any <br /> individual CONTRACTOR employee. At CITY request, CONTRACTOR shall make a <br /> presentation to CITY staff reporting the CONTRACTOR'S results. <br /> IV. SERVICE COMPLAINTS <br /> CONTRACTOR shall maintain the ability to receive verbal complaints and compliments and <br /> shall have e-mail capabilities to enable persons to communicate complaints and compliments <br /> to CONTRACTOR via e-mail. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the prompt and <br /> courteous attention to, and prompt and reasonable resolution of, all complaints. <br /> CONTRACTOR shall record in a separate log all complaints and compliments,noting the name <br /> of customer(s) involved, date and time of complaint or compliment, nature of complaint or <br /> compliment, and nature and date of resolution. This complaint and compliment log shall be <br /> retained by the CONTRACTOR for the Term and shall be made available for review upon <br /> CITY request. In addition, CONTRACTOR shall compile a summary statistical table of the <br /> complaint and compliment log, and submit the table to CITY along with monthly reports. <br /> CONTRACTOR shall respond to all complaints from generators or customers by phone or <br /> email within twenty-four (24) hours, weekends and Holidays excluded, by informing the <br /> customer of the action CONTRACTOR will take to remedy the complaint or respond to the <br /> service request. <br /> V. PERSONNEL <br /> The CONTRACTOR will be solely responsible for the hiring, firing and supervision of all <br /> employees utilized to carry out the services provided under the AGREEMENT. <br /> CONTRACTOR is solely responsible for the satisfactory work performance of all its employees <br /> and for payment of all its employees. CONTRACTOR shall hold harmless, defend and <br /> indemnify the CITY from any liability, damages, claims, costs and expenses of any nature <br /> arising from all violations or alleged violation of its personnel practices, federal, state and local <br /> laws. The CONTRACTOR must comply with applicable federal, state and local employment <br /> laws. The CONTRACTOR must maintain an up-to-date personnel roster that will be made <br /> available to the CITY upon request. <br /> Project Manager <br /> The CONTRACTOR must designate and provide the services of a Project Manager. The Project <br /> 61 Page <br />