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61. DESTRUCTION AND ABANDONMENT OF WATER WELLS: The applicant shall <br /> destroy or abandon all existing on-site water wells in compliance with Alameda County <br /> Ordinance 73-68 and submit a copy of the Alameda County permit prior to issuance of <br /> the encroachment, grading, or subdivision permit, whichever occurs first, to the <br /> Engineering Department unless otherwise approved by the Director of Engineering/City <br /> Engineer. <br /> 62. CONTINUED USE OF EXISTING WATER WELLS: The applicant shall notify the <br /> Engineering Department in writing of Zone 7's desire to retain any water well <br /> concurrently with the first plan check of the improvement plans. The applicant shall <br /> submit a written request to the Director of Engineering/City Engineer for approval for the <br /> temporary use of an existing water well(s) for construction water or for permanent use <br /> such as non-potable outdoor landscaping irrigation. The applicant shall install two <br /> reduced pressure backflow devices, one at the domestic water meter(s) and one at the <br /> existing water well(s) to remain, on all lots where the existing water well is to remain. <br /> 63. SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT: A sanitary sewer service lateral with a two-way <br /> cleanout shall be installed at the back of the sidewalk or curb, whichever is applicable, at <br /> each lot of record within the development in compliance with the City Standard <br /> Specifications and Details in effect at the time of issuance of the encroachment, grading, <br /> or subdivision permit, whichever occurs first, unless otherwise approved by the Director <br /> of Engineering/City Engineer. <br /> 64. SANITARY SEWER CONNECTIONS: The applicant shall provide each lot, parcel of <br /> land, or building with an independent connection to the public sanitary sewer main as <br /> provided for in the Municipal Code. <br /> 65. WATER LATERALS: The applicant shall provide each lot, parcel of land, or building with <br /> an independent connection to the public water main as provided for in the municipal <br /> Code. <br /> 66. WATER AND SEWER CAPACITY: This approval does not guarantee the availability of <br /> sufficient water and/or sewer capacity to serve the project. Recordation of a final map, <br /> issuance of a grading permit, issuance of a building permit, or utility extension approval <br /> to the site, shall not occur until the Engineering Department verifies sufficient water <br /> and/or sewer is available for the project. If sufficient water and/or sewer is not available, <br /> the applicant may need to offset the project's demand. <br /> 67. WATER METERS: The applicant shall provide a water meter to each lot of record within <br /> the development unless otherwise approved by the Director of Engineering/City <br /> Engineer. <br /> 68. JOINT UTILITY TRENCH: All dry utilities (electric power distribution, gas distribution, <br /> communication service, cable television, street lights and alarm systems) required to <br /> serve an existing or new development shall be installed in underground conduit in a joint <br /> utility trench subject to the review and approval of the Director of Engineering/City <br /> Engineer and prior to City council acceptance of public improvements. <br /> 69. PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT: The applicant shall grant a public service easement <br /> (PSE) to the City over those parcels and lots as determined by and subject to the review <br /> PUD-135 City Council <br /> Page 12 of 23 <br />