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SUNOL BOULEVARD/I-680 IMPROVEMENTS <br /> PA&F.D <br /> Sensitive receptors in the project area include single-family residences, a golf course, and <br /> a church. The NSR will evaluate existing and future noise levels,with and without the <br /> project, and evaluate noise abatement alternatives in accordance with the TNAP. Project- <br /> related noise level changes to up to six sensitive receptors that are within 500 feet of the <br /> project footprint will be evaluated for the NSR. In addition,the NSR will address the <br /> potential for construction vibration impacts to nearby structures, including the <br /> biotechnology research facility northeast of the interchange. <br /> Subtask 4.10 Paleontology. Surface geology in the project area includes Pleistocene <br /> alluvial fan deposits and Livermore Gravels (Pleistocene/Pliocene). Both are considered <br /> to have high sensitivity—or potential to contain significant vertebrate, invertebrate,or <br /> plant fossils based on the tripartite scale set forth in Chapter 8 of the Caltrans Standard <br /> Environmental Reference. <br /> Both Build Alternatives would have similar potential to encounter paleontological <br /> resources. The project area has been surveyed and analyzed for paleontology by recent <br /> projects, including the I-680 Express Lanes from State Route 84 to Alcosta Boulevard <br /> Project(EA 04-0Q3000). A memorandum will be prepared that incorporates the <br /> Paleontological Evaluation Report/Mitigation Plan for EA 04-0Q3000 by reference and <br /> identifies specific project construction processes that have potential to encounter <br /> paleontological resources; document locations where monitoring or other measures <br /> should be implemented; and recommend recovery practices,decision thresholds, and <br /> reporting during and after construction. <br /> Subtask 4.11 Climate Change and Energy. Climate change will be addressed in the <br /> environmental document following current Caltrans guidance and will include <br /> quantitative analyses of construction and operational greenhouse gas emissions <br /> developed as part of the Air Quality Impact Assessment. The project area is not in the <br /> Coastal Zone or in area subject to sea level rise. This will be documented in the <br /> environmental document. <br /> Direction provided by Caltrans in October 2019 states that quantitative energy analyses <br /> must be provided for congestion relief projects for which CEQA Initial Studies are <br /> prepared. A quantitative analysis will be prepared based on VMT data for the Build <br /> Alternatives from the Traffic Operations Analysis Report. The results will be documented <br /> in the environmental document. <br /> Subtask 4.12 Water Quality Assessment <br /> Alameda Creek is the direct receiving water body,with the South Bay as the ultimate <br /> downstream receiving water body. Both of these are included under the 2010 Federal <br /> Clean Water Act(CWA) Section 303(d)List of Water Quality Limited Segments. <br /> Additionally,the beneficial uses of both are included as part of the San Francisco Bay <br /> Regional Water Quality Control Board Region 2 Basin Plan. The project falls under the <br /> jurisdiction of Region 2. <br /> April 10,2020 16 <br />