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SUNOL BOULEVARD/I-680 IMPROVEMENTS <br /> PA&FD <br /> The project area has been surveyed and analyzed for water quality and storm water runoff <br /> by recent projects, including the I-680 Express Lanes from State Route 84 to Alcosta <br /> Boulevard Project(EA 04-0Q3000). A Water Quality Assessment memorandum based <br /> on recent reports in the project area will be prepared to evaluate the potential for water <br /> quality impacts to existing surface water and/or groundwater resources and the potential <br /> for hydromodification within the project limits. <br /> Subtask 4.13 Final Technical Reports <br /> The technical reports for the previously defined studies will be updated based on review <br /> comments from Caltrans and CITY. A matrix of review comments and their responses for <br /> each report will also be compiled to track and document how each comment is addressed. <br /> CONSULTANT will submit technical reports once in draft and once in final form, the <br /> intent being one review and one revision per document, unless otherwise specified. <br /> Extended rounds of revisions are not included in our estimated level of effort. <br /> Task 4: Deliverables <br /> • Purpose and Need/Project Description <br /> • Archaeological Survey Report, Extended Phase 1 Proposal, <br /> Extended Phase 1 Report, Finding of Effect&Historic <br /> Property Survey Report <br /> • Visual Impact Assessment(Minor Level) <br /> • Initial Site Assessment <br /> • Natural Environment Study, Biological Assessment& <br /> Wetland Delineation Report <br /> • Air Quality Impact Assessment <br /> • Noise Study Report&Noise Abatement Decision Report <br /> • Natural Environment Study, Biological Assessment, & <br /> Wetland Delineation <br /> • Paleontology Memo <br /> • Water Quality Assessment memo <br /> TASK 5: ENGINEERING TECHNICAL STUDIES <br /> CONSULTANT will prepare all supporting technical studies in addition to the studies <br /> and work products identified in Sections 2 and 3. Draft and Final Project Reports will be <br /> developed. <br /> Subtask 5.1 Preliminary Right of Way(R/W)Requirements. <br /> CONSULTANT will coordinate right-of-way requirements for each of the build <br /> alternatives,and will prepare right-of-way requirements maps identifying those parcels that <br /> will be impacted by the improvements. The approximate dimensions and areas of parcels <br /> and/or easements to be acquired will be calculated. This information will be documented <br /> in a database including ownership information, land use, R/W capital improvements (e.g. <br /> driveway, fence improvements) in compliance with Caltrans Exhibit 4-ex-02w. R/W <br /> April 10,2020 17 <br />