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SUNOL BOULEVARD/I-680 IMPROVEMENTS <br /> PA&ED <br /> jurisdictional waters, and the results summarized in an abbreviated Natural Environment <br /> Study(NES) or NES-Minimal Impact(MI)that incorporates the NES for EA 04-0Q3000 <br /> by reference. Depending on the extent of project activities, either a Letter of Concurrence <br /> request(informal consultation)or a Biological Assessment(formal consultation)will be <br /> needed for Section 7 consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service(USFWS). For <br /> purposes of this scope, it is conservatively assumed that a Biological Assessment will be <br /> prepared.No creeks are in the anticipated project footprint and no in-water work is <br /> proposed; therefore,neither consultation with the National Marine Fisheries Service nor a <br /> fish passage assessment will be necessary. <br /> An abbreviated Wetland Delineation Report that incorporates the NES for EA 04- <br /> 0Q3000 by reference will be prepared to document potentially jurisdictional waters in the <br /> project area. <br /> Subtask 4.8 Air Quality,Greenhouse Gas,& MSAT Report. This project is included <br /> in the Metropolitan Transportation Commission's(MTC's) current Regional <br /> Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy(RTP/SCS),Plan Bay Area <br /> 2040 (RTP ID 17-01-0044). The project is not currently included in MTC's financially <br /> constrained 2017 Transportation Improvement Program(TIP), and the CITY will need to <br /> amend it into the TIP prior to the end of PA&ED. <br /> Project-level conformity to the State Implementation Plan will have to be demonstrated <br /> as part of project approval. Therefore,CONSULTANT will prepare an Air Quality <br /> Impact Assessment to identify sensitive receptors(primarily single-family residences in <br /> the southeast interchange quadrant) and provide a quantitative analyses of construction- <br /> related emissions, mobile source air toxics, and operational and construction greenhouse <br /> gas emissions for Build Alternatives 1 and 2. Findings will be detailed in a single Air <br /> Quality Impact Analysis report. Transportation conformity requirements no longer apply <br /> for the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for carbon monoxide; therefore, a carbon <br /> monoxide hot spot analysis is not needed and will not be included. <br /> CONSULTANT will consult with the Bay Area Air Quality Conformity Task Force on <br /> the CITY's behalf regarding whether the project is a Project of Air Quality Concern for <br /> particulate matter of 2.5 microns or less(PM2.5). The project would allow for a nominal <br /> increase in capacity; therefore, completion of MTC's PM2.5 Assessment Form is assumed <br /> to be the extent of documentation needed. Consultation must be completed prior to <br /> requesting a project-level air quality conformity determination from the Federal Highway <br /> Administration(FHWA). <br /> Subtask 4.9 Noise Impact Report&Noise Abatement Decision Report. <br /> The project would add lanes in the interchange area;therefore,the project is a Type I <br /> undertaking under Title 23 Code of Federal Regulations Part 772.Noise abatement is to <br /> be considered and a Noise Study Report(NSR)is required in accordance with the 2011 <br /> Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol(TNAP). A Noise Abatement Decision Report will also <br /> be prepared to evaluate the feasibility and reasonableness of noise barriers under 2011 <br /> TNAP criteria, and will be provided as an appendix of the NSR. <br /> April 10,2020 15 <br />