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SUNOL BOULEVARD/I-680 IMPROVEMENTS <br /> PA&ED <br /> 0Q3000 by reference and summarizes any changes based on the records search update <br /> and the potential for this project to encounter hazardous materials. <br /> Subtask 4.6 Land Use and Community Impacts. <br /> The Build Alternatives would require a small amount of right-of-way, and neither <br /> alternative would affect community character and cohesion,result in relocations, or have <br /> environmental justice implications.Neither alternative would require any full property <br /> acquisitions, relocate any residences or businesses,result in the conversion of any parcels <br /> to a new land use, or otherwise interfere with the continued use of parcels for their <br /> existing purpose. This will be discussed briefly in the environmental document; no <br /> additional documentation is necessary. <br /> Both alternatives would construct improvements to an existing interchange and are <br /> expected to be consistent with state, regional,and local plans. This will be discussed <br /> briefly in the environmental document; no additional documentation is necessary. <br /> As no publicly owned parks are in the project vicinity,neither alternative would affect a <br /> Section 4(f)recreational facility. <br /> Subtask 4.7 Natural Environment Study, Biological Assessment,&Wetland <br /> Delineation. <br /> The project vicinity is urbanized but includes land cover types that may provide habitat <br /> for special-status species. Within the State right-of-way,the project area contains <br /> California annual grassland, coast live oak woodland,valley oak woodland, and coyote <br /> brush scrub. Designated critical habitat for Alameda whipsnake(Masticophis lateralis <br /> euryxanthus; federally threatened, California threatened) is approximately 1 mile west of <br /> the project area, and the California Natural Diversity Data Base indicates that species <br /> within 5 miles of the project area include: <br /> • California tiger salamander(Ambystoma californiense), federally threatened, state <br /> threatened <br /> • California red-legged frog(Rana draytonii), federally threatened, state species of <br /> special concern <br /> • American peregrine falcon(Falco peregrinus anatum), Fully Protected Species <br /> • Prairie falcon(Falco mexicanus), included on the California Department of Fish <br /> and Wildlife(CDFW) Special Animals List <br /> • Pallid bat(Antrozous pallidus), a State Species of Special Concern(SSC)and <br /> Western Bat Working Group (WBWG)high-priority species <br /> • Townsend's big-eared bat(Corynorhinus townsendii), an SSC and WBWG high- <br /> priority species <br /> • San Francisco dusky-footed woodrat(Neotoma fuscipes annectens), an SSC <br /> The project area has been surveyed and analyzed for biological resources by recent <br /> projects, including the I-680 Express Lanes from State Route 84 to Alcosta Boulevard <br /> Project(EA 04-0Q3000). A follow-up field survey will be conducted to confirm the <br /> project area's vegetation communities, habitat for special-status plants and wildlife, and <br /> April 10,2020 14 <br />