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SUNOL BOULEVARD/I-680 IMPROVEMENTS <br /> PA&FD <br /> Category 5 (not eligible for the NRHP). The overcrossing is also identified as the <br /> Pleasanton-Sunol Road Overcrossing of the Niles Canyon Transcontinental Railroad <br /> Historic District. However,the NRHP registration form states that the Pleasanton-Sunol <br /> Road Overcrossing is not a contributing element to the district. The project is not <br /> expected to have adverse effects on the historic district. This would be summarized in a <br /> Historic Properties Survey Report(HPSR), along with the findings of the reports <br /> described above. A Finding of Effect would also be prepared to address the project's <br /> effects to the historic property and provided to CSO for approval and to SHPO for <br /> concurrence. <br /> Historic resources in the APE will be considered for Section 4(f)as appropriate. Section <br /> 4(f)will be discussed in the environmental document. <br /> Subtask 4.4 Visual and Aesthetics. <br /> Within the project limits, I-680 consists of a six-lane freeway that traverses in a north- <br /> south direction. The viewshed in the project area is characterized by rolling hills with <br /> stands of mature trees, shrubs, and grasses. In most places I-680 is buffered from <br /> residential views by rolling hills. <br /> I-680 is listed as an Officially Designated State Scenic Highway between Mission <br /> Boulevard(SR 238)and the Contra Costa County line in Alameda County(PM R6.4 to <br /> R21.9),which includes the project limits. 1-680 in the project limits is not designated as a <br /> Landscaped Freeway. <br /> Based on the Caltrans VIA questionnaire,a Minor Level VIA would be appropriate to <br /> characterize the visual quality of the project viewshed, describe the two Build <br /> Alternatives, summarize their anticipated visual effects, and recommend feasible <br /> avoidance and mitigation measures, if needed. CONSULTANT would confirm the <br /> appropriate level of documentation with Caltrans. Visual simulations are optional for a <br /> Minor Level VIA; however, up to two visual simulations for each alternative are included <br /> in this scope to facilitate CITY and public discussion and decision making on the project. <br /> Up to four simulations,representing two build alternatives from two key viewpoints each, <br /> are proposed. Viewpoints would be confirmed in consultation with CITY and Caltrans. <br /> Subtask 4.5 Phase I Hazardous Waste Assessment. <br /> The Initial Site Assessment(ISA) for the I-680 Express Lanes from SR 84 to Alcosta <br /> Boulevard Project(EA 04-0Q3000)' includes the I-680/Sunol Boulevard interchange and <br /> vicinity. The ISA shows that a Kinder Morgan petroleum pipeline crosses Pleasanton- <br /> Sunol Road at the rail overcrossing. Four closed release sites, one of which is subject to <br /> land use restrictions,are also present within a 0.5-mile buffer of the project area. <br /> The ISA for EA 04-0Q3000 should be applicable for PA&ED review, although a records <br /> search update is recommended to determine if any notable changes have occurred. <br /> CONSULTANT will prepare a memorandum that incorporates the ISA for EA 04- <br /> 1 Baseline Environmental Consulting.2018. Initial Site Assessment for the 1-680 Express Lanes <br /> from SR 84 to Alcosta Boulevard Project. EA 04-0Q300; PID 0418000069. September. <br /> April 90,2020 13 <br />