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SUNOL BOULEVARD/I-680 IMPROVEMENTS <br /> PA&FD <br /> and include the required topics for independent utility and logical termini, alternatives <br /> considered but eliminated,and estimated cost and schedule for the project. <br /> Subtask 4.3 Cultural Resources. <br /> The project area and a 0.25-mile buffer were reviewed for the presence of documented <br /> cultural resources. The Niles Canyon Transcontinental Railroad Historic District(P-01- <br /> 011624), which is on the National Register of Historic Places(NRHP), crosses <br /> Pleasanton-Sunol Road just west of the Caltrans right-of-way in the project area.No <br /> other recorded resources are present within the 0.25-mile buffer;however,prehistoric <br /> sites have been recorded within less than 1 mile. <br /> An Area of Potential Effects(APE)map would be prepared for archaeology and <br /> architectural history to include areas of disturbance. If all project components and <br /> activities remain within the existing State right-of-way, the archaeological APE would <br /> coincide with the maximum project footprint, and the architectural APE would coincide <br /> with the right-of-way line. If additional right-of-way or temporary construction, <br /> maintenance, or utility easements are needed,those areas would be included in the APE. <br /> The project area has been surveyed and analyzed for cultural resources by recent projects, <br /> including the I-680 Express Lanes from State Route 84 to Alcosta Boulevard Project(EA <br /> 04-0Q3000). An Archaeological Survey Report(ASR)would be prepared to document <br /> Native American consultation in accordance with Caltrans and California Assembly Bill <br /> 52 standards, as well as a geoarchaeological evaluation of the project corridor's potential <br /> to contain sensitive buried resources. It is anticipated that an abbreviated ASR can be <br /> prepared and incorporate the previous studies in the project area by reference. <br /> Depending on the geoarchaeological sensitivity of the project area and the maximum <br /> depths of disturbance, subsurface testing for cultural resources may be necessary. The <br /> locations and parameters of testing would be determined in coordination with Caltrans <br /> and documented in an Extended Phase 1 ()CP1)Proposal. For purposes of this scope, one <br /> day of mechanical testing is proposed. The results of the testing would be described in an <br /> Extended Phase 1 Study. Depending on the outcome of the identification and evaluation <br /> phase,a Finding of Effect document may be prepared and submitted to the Caltrans <br /> Cultural Studies Office(CSO) and State Historic Preservation Officer(SHPO). <br /> It is assumed that implementation of horizontal or vertical Environmentally Sensitive <br /> Areas(ESAs), if needed, will be sufficient for Caltrans to approve a Finding of No <br /> Adverse Effect. If nonstandard conditions are required to avoid or minimize project <br /> impacts to sensitive resources, additional reporting and consultation with the CSO and <br /> SHPO would be needed and would require additional scope. The level of effort would be <br /> determined based on study findings and coordination with Caltrans. <br /> Both Build Alternatives would modify the now-defunct rail overcrossing structure just <br /> west of the interchange to accommodate shoulder widening and new bike lanes on <br /> Pleasanton-Sunol Road. The overcrossing is listed in the Caltrans Local Agency Bridge <br /> inventory as Bridge No. 33C0104, "Castlewood Drive UP,"with the classification of <br /> Apri110,2020 12 <br />