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SUNOL BOULEVARD/I-680 IMPROVEMENTS <br /> PA&ED <br /> existing and proposed utility relocation plans, stage construction plans, drainage plans, <br /> and profile/superelevation plans. CONSULTANT will provide the preliminary plans in <br /> sufficient detail to be considered 30%plans set quality. <br /> Subtask 3.7 Preliminary Cost Estimate. <br /> Planning-level cost estimates will be developed for up to two refined alternatives,using <br /> new Caltrans 11-page PA&ED level cost estimate format. <br /> Subtask 3.8 Value Engineering. <br /> Value Engineering is typically required where the project costs are expected to be$50 <br /> million or more. The planning level estimates provided in the PSR-PDS are less than$50 <br /> million. The scope of work does include value engineering analysis as part of the Project <br /> Report approval. The Consultant will confirm with Caltrans that a Value Engineering <br /> effort will not be required for this project. <br /> Task 3: Deliverables <br /> • Alternative evaluation matrix and evaluation process <br /> • List of Agreements with Caltrans <br /> • Base Mapping <br /> • Initial Alternative Screening Memo <br /> • Preliminary Design Drawings <br /> • Design Standard Decision Document <br /> • Preliminary 11 page format Cost Estimate <br /> Task 4: ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES <br /> This scope of work describes preparation of an environmental document and supporting <br /> studies under the direction and review of CITY and Caltrans. This scope provides for <br /> concurrent California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) and National Environmental <br /> Policy Act(NEPA)clearance. <br /> Subtask 4.1 Environmental Scoping. <br /> CONSULTANT shall conduct field reviews to confirm the environmental scope <br /> described in the PEAR. A public scoping meeting is not required but can be coordinated <br /> as an optional scope item. <br /> Subtask 4.2 Purpose and Need/Project Description. <br /> The purpose and need from the PSR-PDS/PEAR will be revisited for any needed updates. <br /> It will also be expanded based on the results of the traffic studies, and will include current <br /> accident information. The project description will be developed for two Build <br /> Alternatives that will be advanced into the Project Report and Environmental Document, <br /> Apri110,2020 11 <br />