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Ms. Vannarucci noted that CityServe was able to provide assistance to 174 Pleasanton people <br /> during 2018-2019, have already assisted 115 people for the current year and expect to reach their <br /> target of 1,919 Pleasanton residents for the year. She commented on the expense assistance they <br /> provide to individuals and how they are able to work with and refer individuals to other agencies. <br /> CRIL / Housing & Independent Living Services — Michael Galvan — advised he was now the Director <br /> for CRIL and thanked the City of Pleasanton for their continued support of CRIL. Mr. Galvan <br /> provided information about the independent living and housing services they provide to Pleasanton <br /> residents with disabilities. He discussed the difficulty in helping their clients find places to live that <br /> are affordable and accessible and commented on vouchers available through the Housing Authority <br /> of the County of Alameda that they will be using. Additional comments included the transition <br /> services and work they are doing with students and expanding transition for clients from nursing <br /> homes to home and helping them become self-sufficient. <br /> ECHO Housing / Housing Counseling Services — Marjorie Rocha—thanked the City of Pleasanton <br /> for their ongoing support of ECHO Housing. She indicated that during this pandemic their services <br /> are in need more than ever to provide support and counseling on the many different housing <br /> options to people at risk. Ms. Rocha discussed the work they have been doing with landlords to <br /> help prevent harassment and issues with 3-day eviction notices, etc.., and the moratorium that is <br /> now in place with regards to evictions, as well as the services they have been providing to clientele <br /> to better educate them on their rights. She commented on the number of classes and workshops <br /> they have been able to provide relating to audits, rental assistance and housing options. Ms. <br /> Rocha advised that ECHO has been receiving many more requests for rental assistance because <br /> clients are not able to pay rent because they are not able to work. <br /> Habitat for Humanity / Housing Rehabilitation Program — Jen Gray—advised that Habitat is <br /> completing four (4) projects, one of which has been ongoing for a number of years and working with <br /> another seven (7) applicants that Habitat for Humanity anticipates they will assist in the first two <br /> quarters of the next funding year. Ms. Gray commented on the outreach that Habitat for Humanity <br /> has been conducting and discussed the ways the outreach has been conducted through an <br /> advertising program. She thanked the City of Pleasanton for the partnership they have provided <br /> with Habitat for Humanity. <br /> Narika / Pleasanton Transitional Housing Project— Bindu Fernandes — advised that Narika is a <br /> domestic violence/abuse and prevention agency that specializes in providing counseling <br /> accommodations. The funds they have requested ($1,000,000) would assist them in securing a <br /> townhome in Pleasanton that they would convert to a transitional house for their clients. She <br /> provided information about a Pleasanton resident who contacted them about wanting to escape an <br /> abusive situation but did not know what she needed to do. Narika also provides assistance to teens <br /> who are in bad situations and relationships. <br /> Tri-Valley REACH / Housing Preventative Maintenance/Repair— Kay King— provided information <br /> about services and housing REACH provides for low-income adults with developmental disabilities. <br /> She noted that REACH has a total of 11 properties. 6 of which are in Pleasanton and the funding <br /> they have requested is to be able to complete capital improvements and repair projects such as <br /> new flooring, water heater replacements, duct repairs, etc. at two of the Pleasanton properties. Ms. <br /> King advised that REACH does not anticipate seeing any issues because of rent fallouts and all of <br /> their tenants are doing well. REACH is thankful for the support they receive from the City of <br /> Pleasanton. <br /> Chairperson Gaidos closed the meeting for agency presentations at 5:38 p.m. <br /> Page - 2 - <br />
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