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Attachment 3 <br /> THE CITY OF <br /> _ �_ ,,,,;', , Housing Commission <br /> m : .1.(` IIS <br /> L�£AS�4NTON, Minutes <br /> SUBJECT TO APPROVAL/ <br /> Virtual Meeting <br /> April 30, 2020 — 5 p.m. <br /> 4. Approval of Federal HOME Funds and City Lower Income Housing Funds Related to the <br /> Housing and Human Services Grant (HHSG) Program for Fiscal Year 2020/21 <br /> Mr. Dolan thanked everyone for agreeing to attend this Zoom meeting, necessary because of <br /> COVID-19. He indicated that more city meetings will likely need to be conducted this way and <br /> asked participants to stay muted until such time as they were required to speak. <br /> Mr. Hernandez reviewed with commissioners a PowerPoint presentation noting that a total of seven <br /> (7) Housing Services applications were received for an aggregate request of$1,452,501 and a staff <br /> recommendation being for six (6) projects for the $452,501 in available funding. <br /> Commissioners were advised that as part of the City's active response to the COVID-19 pandemic <br /> the funding recommendations for the six applicants had been revised so the agencies would <br /> receive the full funding amount they have request. Awarding them the full amount results in an <br /> additional $44,501 in Lower Income Housing Funds (LIHF) than had originally been budgeted, but <br /> the City feels these funds are important to ensuring the agencies are able to respond to the COVID- <br /> 19 pandemic. <br /> Chairperson Gaidos opened the meeting to agency presentations at 5:08 p.m. <br /> Commissioners were requested by Chairperson Gaidos to refrain from asking questions during the <br /> agency presentations and indicated they would be able to ask questions after the presentations. <br /> Abode Services /Tri-Valley Rapid Rehousing Program (a. Tenant-Based Rental Assistance and b. <br /> Case Management Admin. & Gap Assistance—Christian Gutierez—indicated that funds are <br /> important for Abode to provide services in the Tri-Valley area and discussed the difficulty of finding <br /> places for people to live in Pleasanton stating Abode was happy to be able to provide much needed <br /> services and assistance. He commented on ten (10) households they have been able to assist in <br /> finding accommodations since July 2019 and the homeless assistance they are able to provide <br /> during this difficult time with COVID-19. Mr. Gutierez indicated that Abode has been finding <br /> landlords more accommodating to work with during these difficult times. <br /> CityServe of the TriValley / Housing Grant for Homeless Street Outreach/Homelessness Prevention <br /> — Christine Beitsch and Adriana Vannarucci —thanked the City of Pleasanton for supporting <br /> CityServe and provided information about the various services they provide. Ms. Beitsch felt <br /> confident CityServe would be able to continue providing services with the funding requested. She <br /> stated they have about forty-seven (47) people in queue for services and an additional 40+ on their <br /> radar for outreach and there was definitely a need for them to expand their role of being able to <br /> provide help to people. Ms. Beitsch discussed the number of people they have been able to place <br /> in hotels and apartments even though there is a shortage of places, but they will continue to provide <br /> help. <br /> Page - I - <br />