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CITY OF PLEASANTON CLIMATE ACTION PLAN UPDATE <br /> GHG Emissions Inventory and CAP I City of Pasadena, CA 12017-2018 <br /> Working collaboratively with the City of Pasadena, Rincon wrote a winning <br /> grant application which in turn funded development of one of the first Senate <br /> LB■ CALIF Bill (SB)32 "qualified" greenhouse gas reduction plans in the state.The <br /> Pasadena Climate Action Plan included a wide range of sustainability measures <br /> •41- targeting the waste,water, built environment,transportation,and urban <br /> , 0, greening sectors to reduce Pasadena's emissions to below the state target of <br /> " 40%below baseline by 2030.To accomplish these stringent reduction targets, <br /> Rincon worked hand in hand with Pasadena Municipal Power District to find <br /> opportunities to increase renewables and carbon neutral power options while <br /> balancing the contractual and financial constraints inherent in utility operations.The project included a comprehensive <br /> public outreach program to help the team gather feedback from the community and key stakeholders in City <br /> departments. Rincon also developed a CAP consistency checklist for new development allowing projects to"tier off" <br /> the CAP, a key benefit considering the lack of post-2020 approved CEQA thresholds. Finally, Rincon developed an <br /> implementation and monitoring plan to ensure the City could make measurable and sustained progress towards their <br /> climate goals. <br /> CAP, Sustainability Communications, and Climate Resilience Study I City of <br /> Shoreline, WA 12012-2013, 2017-2018, 2019-Present <br /> In 2012,the City of Shoreline commissioned Cascadia to assist council members,staff,and <br /> stakeholders in preparing a Citywide greenhouse gas inventory and Climate Action Plan. <br /> Cascadia led all aspects of the planning process—including facilitation, public engagement, <br /> Shoreline research, analysis,and prioritization of strategies—and delivered a plan that identifies climate <br /> Climate action objectives, major emissions sources, key reduction strategies,and City and community <br /> Action roles. In 2017, Cascadia updated the City's public communications around sustainability <br /> Plan <br /> ...- metrics and progress toward goals, including populating the City's website with charts, case <br /> studies, and infographics that inform and inspire. In 2019,Cascadia is supporting the City's <br /> climate preparedness efforts by conducting a climate vulnerability assessment and developing <br /> a resilience plan. Our work includes development of localized climate change projections, a <br /> comprehensive vulnerability assessment focused on City infrastructure, resilience strategy development and <br /> prioritization,and ongoing public engagement. <br /> Vulnerability Analysis & Climate Action Plan I Merced County, CA I 2018-Present <br /> Rincon has begun work with Merced County to prepare a Climate Action Plan for unincorporated Merced County <br /> (County).The Climate Action Plan includes a vulnerability assessment of the County using State of California tools and <br /> best practices,such as the California Adaptation Planning Guide and Cal-Adapt.The results of this assessment will <br /> inform the Climate Action Plan and various adaptation measures with co-benefits will be developed based on the <br /> findings of the vulnerability analysis. <br /> The Climate Action Plan is intended to facilitate the reduction of GHG emissions in a way that is practical, efficient,and <br /> beneficial to the community and enhances the County of Merced's desirable characteristics and qualities. Our team is <br /> in the process of developing a countywide greenhouse gas inventory, a vulnerability analysis,Climate Action Plan,and a <br /> web-based implementation monitoring tool.To evaluate greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, Rincon is utilizing <br /> data included as part of the Nature Conservancy's inventory of working lands in Merced County.The project also <br /> includes a community engagement strategy that is specific to the needs of the rural areas of the San Joaquin Valley. <br /> ASCADIA19 <br /> coot, <br />