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CITY OF PLEASANTON CLIMATE ACTION PLAN UPDATE <br /> Climate Action & Adaptation Plan I City of Flagstaff, AZ 12017-2018 <br /> Cascadia developed a Climate Action and Adaptation Plan for the City of Flagstaff aimed at <br /> tj(i reducing community and municipal greenhouse gas emissions.To ensure compliance with the <br /> • Global Covenant of Mayors reporting requirements,Cascadia performed a methodological <br /> crosswalk between Flagstaffs 2015 inventory and international greenhouse gas accounting <br /> protocols.Our team modeled 2050"business as usual"greenhouse gas emissions and used <br /> that forecast as a basis for evaluating and setting reduction targets.With the targets in mind, <br /> we then led the development of mitigation and adaptation strategies based on emissions- <br /> reduction opportunities and climate risks. Cascadia hosted a series of public workshops <br /> Novthroughout the project to keep the community updated on progress,gather input on potential <br /> MON CLIMATE ACTION&ADAPTATION PLAN strategies and community priorities, and share the final plan. <br /> Pathway to Clean Energy I City of Berkeley I 2019-Present <br /> In 2006, Berkeley voters overwhelmingly approved Measure G, a ballot initiative that called for reducing the <br /> community's greenhouse gas(GHG)emissions by 80%below year 2000 levels by 2050. In June 2018, Berkeley City <br /> Council established a goal of becoming a Fossil Fuel Free City,with a focus on electrification of Berkeley's buildings. <br /> Rincon is currently assisting the City with a two-phase policy analysis and implementation plan to identify the <br /> technological,equity, and cost considerations around electrifying the current building stock based on age, class, and <br /> building type.The report will include an analysis of what policies and programs are needed in order to make Berkeley's <br /> existing building stock 100%fossil fuel free—and a detailed and prioritized implementation plan for near-term <br /> electrification strategies. <br /> Phase 1 of the analysis will quantify the costs and benefits of electrification for <br /> a wide range of stakeholders.The approach will be tailored to address impacts <br /> on historically marginalized and low-income people and will integrate <br /> procedural,distributional, and structural equity considerations.The final <br /> report will identify the highest value and most equitable set of measures <br /> _ aimed at the elimination of fossil fuels in existing buildings in the near, mid, <br /> and long terms. Phase 2 will include a detailed cost-benefit analysis and a <br /> comprehensive implementation plan, including funding strategies,for each of <br /> the recommended policies. <br /> Climate & Energy Action Plan I City of Ashland, OR 12016-2017 <br /> ASEAsR01° Cascadia supported the City of Ashland in developing its first Climate and Energy Action Plan. <br /> ' The plan sets forth a roadmap to reduce internal and community-wide greenhouse gas <br /> n • <br /> emissions and prepare the community for future climate changes.The climate mitigation <br /> Climate element involved building on the City's recent GHG inventory and working with the City and <br /> & Energy stakeholders to model future emissions scenarios,clarify the mitigation goal,develop GHG <br /> A I,oRPan reduction targets,and identify and evaluate potential actions.The climate adaptation element <br /> included conducting a localized climate risk and vulnerability assessment, developing a list of <br /> potential measures, and screening and prioritizing adaptation options.The process also <br /> fj included facilitating a citizen committee tasked with steering the plan. <br /> Cascadia worked with the City and committee to identify over 180 potential actions and refine and prioritize a final set <br /> of 20 short-term and 40 medium-term actions.We facilitated open houses attended by over 250 community members, <br /> conducted external stakeholder interviews, and administered online surveys to gather input and build public support. <br /> Cascadia produced a final Climate and Energy Action Plan that includes clear plans for implementation and for ongoing <br /> monitoring and evaluation. <br /> C ASCADIA 18 <br /> «»,u....c GROUP <br />