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CITY OF PLEASANTON CLIMATE ACTION PLAN UPDATE <br /> • Offer a full roster of subject-matter experts covering greenhouse gas emissions reduction, adaptation, <br /> sequestration and other important topics such as state and federal policy and social equity. <br /> • Consider the needs of all communities affected by climate change, not just the most vocal or well-connected. We <br /> have worked extensively with diverse regions and communities throughout the Bay Area on complex sustainability <br /> topics, and understand which strategies and approaches are most effective to ensure that everyone's voice is heard <br /> and incorporated into our products. <br /> • Deliver polished,visually appealing products that tell an engaging story while clearly defining priorities and action <br /> steps. <br /> We have included case studies that highlight our team's relevant experience below.Additional evidence of our <br /> experience is available upon request. <br /> Climate Action Plan Update (2.0) I City of Dublin I 2018-Present <br /> Rincon and Cascadia are working with the City of Dublin to develop its Climate Action Plan >if <br /> MEW AND FI UT 00•4:L" <br /> 2.0.As a small but fast-growing city, Dublin has the potential to significantly reduce its GHG <br /> emissions through electrification of the transportation and building sectors.Working closely :=7.7.7-F,==717.7 <br /> with City staff, Rincon is developing new strategies to incentivize sustainable community <br /> development while working to identify hurdles to implementation that a small to medium <br /> size city can face including a lack of staff time and funding availability. Using holistic LA'7-- <br /> approaches <br /> wapproaches such as leveraging the RFP process for contracted services and working across <br /> multiple departments to discuss energy disclosure ordinance structure, practical actions and <br /> implementation are a focus of this CAP. Rincon and Cascadia are working with the City to -�-• <br /> develop a robust outreach program that will include stakeholders from the community <br /> including residents, business owners, realtors, commercial building owners, and community <br /> groups.Our team understands that in order to develop an actionable and impactful Climate Action Plan,the measures <br /> within it must be vetted during the development process to the greatest extent feasible.Through open communication <br /> and collaboration, Rincon,Cascadia, and the City of Dublin are striving to make Dublin CAP 2.0 a guide to achieving <br /> both the state's and community's sustainability goals. <br /> Climate Action & Adaptation Plan (2.0) I City of Albany, CA I 2018-Present <br /> Cascadia is currently updating the City of Albany's Climate Action and Adaptation Plan, <br /> which aims to build on its original—and largely completed—CAP with ambitious new <br /> strategies to achieve the City's goal of community-wide carbon neutrality by 2050. Our <br /> team—which includes Rincon in a central role focused on mitigation strategy <br /> development—assessed the current system of mitigation and adaptation actions and <br /> needs,set an inclusive and equitable vision for a carbon neutral and resilient Albany <br /> i through a public engagement process, and drew on a deep carbon reduction planning <br /> framework to identify and prioritize near-term and long-term actions.Albany's plan will set <br /> the stage for net-zero buildings,zero-carbon transportation,zero waste, and maximized <br /> ET.,(1;r.u:.e v carbon sequestration. It will also be straightforward for both the City and residents to <br /> CLIMATE ACTI00AO0ADAPTATI00 PEAA implement,as it contains a checklist of actions and resources that residents can pursue to <br /> reduce their personal carbon footprints and includes a short, actionable implementation <br /> plan with key metrics for success. <br /> Climate Action Plan Updates I San Mateo County, CA I 2019-Present <br /> Cascadia is leading a team with Rincon to update San Mateo County's Government Operations Climate Action Plan and <br /> Community Climate Action Plan,which will set the County government and the communities in unincorporated San <br /> Mateo County on a shared path toward lower emissions and improved climate resiliency. Our team is first guiding the <br /> ASCADIA 16 <br />